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who we are?
Beast Runners 跑山獸
Petr Novotny and Eva Lobo and many great supporter and friends..
Fall in love to Eva, as well as trail running and exploring of Taiwan wild. During few years in Taiwan explored thousand kilometers of trails around Taipei and central Taiwan, home country of Eva. Very often goes alone to explore for whole day.
Taiwanese aboriginal (Seediq) girl. Started run trails in 2013 with Petr but now belongs to top female trail runners in Taiwan and with her stubbornness finished few hard courses in Taiwan.
連結泰雅-賽德克-布農 這是關於愛的故事,來自捷克的男孩愛上了泰雅的女孩,泰雅的女孩帶這位捷克的男孩到她的故鄉。 這個男孩一如往常,愛好山林的他開始一步一腳印探索這片土地及山林,他瘋狂愛上了這塊的土地,這也開始喚醒泰雅女孩對土地及文化的記憶。 福爾摩沙古道就這樣一點一滴串起來,這是一條通往愛與連結大地及祖靈們的道路。