- 104km / 5700m D+ (ITRA-5 XL, UTMB® Index 100k)
- 75km / 4100m D+ (ITRA-4 L, UTMB® Index 100k)
- 40km / 2400m D+ (ITRA-2 S, UTMB® Index 50k)
- 18km / 770m D+ (ITRA-1 XS, UTMB® Index 20k)
- 10km / 400m D+ hiking
The UTMB® Index is calculated for each of the 4 UTMB® World Series race categories 20K, 50K, 100K and 100M.
A valid UTMB® Index is achieved by completing at least one UTMB® World Series Major, UTMB® World Series Event or UTMB® World Series Qualifier race in the relevant category within the last 24 months. Once a race category has been activated, all races from the past 36 months will be used to calculate the UTMB® Index.
Consult your UTMB® Index
104km Formosa Trail
104 km / 5700m D+
- ITRA-5 XL, UTMB® Index 100k
- start 4:00am, 23rd November 2024
- Time to finish: ⏰ 28 hours
Cut times
- CP-A2: 10:15am (DNF)
- CP-B1: 2:00pm (DNF, leave before 2:15pm)
- CP-C1:
- 2:00pm change to 75km category (you may change voluntarily before cut time (Reach cpC1 before 2:00pm and leave before 2:30pm)
- 4:00pm DNF
CP-D: 4:00pm (DNF) there is not cpD- CP-C2: 10:00pm (22:00) (DNF)
- CP-B2: 4:00am Sunday (DNF, has to leave before 4:20am)
- ITRA-5 XL,UTMB® Index 100k
- 11月23日清晨4點起跑
- 完賽時間: ⏰ 28小時
- CP-A2: 10:15am (DNF)
- CP-B1: 2:00pm (DNF)
- CP-C1:
- 2:00pm 降至75Km組別(也可於關門時間前自願變更組別. Reach cpC1 before 2:00pm and leave before 2:30pm
- 4:00pm DNF
CP-D: 4:00pm (DNF) there is not cpD- CP-C2: 10:00pm (DNF)
- CP-B2: 4:00am Sunday (DNF, has to leave before 4:20am)
Drop Bag
- Participants can leave one small drop bag for check point C1=C2
- All bags will be transfer back to venue after 11:30pm and you have to pickup before 10am on Sunday
- more about drop bag below
- 參賽選手可以在CP C1=C2
- 轉換袋pm11:30後會送回會場, 並請於周日十點前取回轉換袋
- 更多資訊請參考Drop bag
- have to carry enough water and food for very long sections between CP
- we required be finisher at least of ITRA-3 or more (contact us if you have any question)
- carry all mandatory equipment and between check points are very long distances (average 20km, 4-5 hours)
- please remember it is mandatory (and safe) to have a GPS device for FT40,FT75,FT104 with uploaded course and STUDY it before the game (know where are check points, and what intersection X-Y-Z,W..)
- If you feel unwell in Wujie village (before steep climb to cpB) and would like DNF please call organisers and wait near local grocery store and we will reach you by car
- 檢查站與檢查站之間是非常長的區段,必須攜帶足夠的水及食物
- 參賽資格: 我們建議至少完成ITRA-3越野賽事或更多(如果有任何疑問,請與我們聯絡)
- 必須攜帶所有強制裝備( 平均20Km需時4~5個小時)
- 請記住,我們強制規定需要攜帶載有FT40、FT75、FT104 活動路程的 GPS 裝置(安全性考量),並在活動前學習及研究路線(確定每個補給站在哪裡,X-Y-Z-W 的交叉點,..)
- 如果您在武界部落已經感覺身體不適(攀爬CPB之前會非常長的陡坡),並且想要放棄 ,請打電話給主辦單位,並在當地雜貨店附近等候,我們將開車前往您那裡。
- FT 104km course version and changes (for 2024)
- Cut times slightly changed for 104km (total time is 28 hours)
- DROP BAG 轉換袋 is moved to cpC1 and C2 (can access twice) – this will be again confirmed in 2024 (depends on how many participants in 104km)
- There is NO check point D (cpD) for 104km, but only support point D (spD)
- in spD (temple 加德宮) is only control patrol and 1500ml water per runners is available for every 104km participant, WC available in spD.
- Course should be very same as in 2023 (start and finish in YCC)
- There is cut time at 10:15am in cpA (mainly for 40km runners)
- There is cut time in cpB1 at 14:00 (and have to leave 14:15)
- There is cut time at 10:00pm in cpC2 and 4:00am in cpB2 (used to be 5:00am, newly need reach cpB before 4:00am and leave before 4:20am, with predicted finish time at 8:00am ~28hours)
- There is option change from 104 to 75km in cpC1, after 2pm is mandatory change or DNF (runners of 104km reach cpC1 before 2pm has to leave before 2:30pm)
- There may be several chains on trail entries (two chains in first climb which you will cross at night) and gate before 水頭谷 Shui Tou Gu mountain (75 and 104km), please do not worry climb over these. They are installed to block entry for enduro motorbikes.
- ATTENTION! There is new concrete farm road on descent to Wujie 武界, please pay attention. In 2023 many runners felt on this road because the surface is not smooth!
- There is mandatory gear check for 104km on Friday during race pack pickup and installation of GPS/GSM tracking device on 104km runners vest (the vest you are running whole course of 104km). – will confirm about GSM trackers
- Please return GPS/GSM tracker in Beast booth and pickup your finisher gift before 10am on Sunday!!!
- If you feel unwell in Wujie village (before steep climb to cpB) and would like DNF please call organisers and wait near local grocery store and we will reach you by car
We are pleased to inform you that the 2024 Formosa Trail 104km has been selected as a qualifying race for the 2026 Western States 100. Runners who complete the race within 28 hours will qualify to enter a lottery where the runners for Western States will be selected. You do not need to submit anything to us, we will obtain the results directly from your website.
The qualifying period for the 2026 Western States will be from November 6, 2024 through November 3, 2025. The lottery will be held on December , 2025 and the race itself will be run on June 28-29, 2026.
75km Formosa Trail
75 km / 4100m D+
- ITRA-4 L, UTMB® Index 100k
- start 4:00am, 23rd November 2024
- Time to finish: ⏰ 20 hours
- 75km course turns in ↶ 關頭山 and ↶ CP-C (forest house)
- ITRA-4 L, UTMB® Index 100k
- 11月23日清晨4點起跑
- 完賽時間: ⏰ 20小時
- ↶ 關頭山 and ↶ CP-C
Cut times
- CP-A2: 10:15am (DNF)
- CP-B1: 2:00pm (DNF, leave before 2:15pm)
- CP-C: 4:00pm (DNF)
- CP-B2: 8:30pm (DNF)
- CP-A2: 10:15am (DNF)
- CP-B1: 2:30pm (DNF)
- CP-C: 4:00pm (DNF)
- CP-B2: 8:30pm (DNF)
- have to carry enough water and food for very long sections between CP
- we recommended be finisher of ITRA-3 at least
- please notice 104km is way 40% harder than 75km (+29km / 1600m). New FT75 is only ITRA-4 of Beast Runners events and very runable!
- please remember it is mandatory (and safe) to have a GPS device for FT40,FT75,FT104 with uploaded course and STUDY it before the game (know where are check points, and what intersection X-Y-Z,W..)
- If you feel unwell in Wujie village (before steep climb to cpB) and would like DNF please call organisers and wait near local grocery store and we will reach you by car
- 檢查站與檢查站之間是非常長的區段,必須攜帶足夠的水及食物
- 參賽資格: 我們建議至少完成ITRA-3越野賽事
- please notice 104km is way 40% harder than 75km (+29km / 1600m). New FT75 is only ITRA-4 of Beast Runners events and very runable!
- 請記住,我們強制規定需要攜帶載有FT40、FT75、FT104 活動路程的 GPS 裝置(安全性考量),並在活動前學習及研究路線(確定每個補給站在哪裡,X-Y-Z-W 的交叉點,..)
- 如果您在武界部落已經感覺身體不適(攀爬CPB之前會非常長的陡坡),並且想要放棄 ,請打電話給主辦單位,並在當地雜貨店附近等候,我們將開車前往您那裡。
40km Formosa Trail
40 km / 2400m D+
- ITRA-2 S, UTMB® Index 50k
- start 5:30am, 23rd November 2024
- Time to finish: ⏰ 13 hours
- ITRA-2 S,UTMB® Index 50k
- 11月23日清晨5:30點起跑
- 完賽時間: ⏰ 13小時
Cut times
- CP-A: 10:15am (DNF)
- CP-B: 4:00pm (DNF)
- have to carry enough water and food for very long sections between upper CP and finish
- we recommended be finisher of ITRA-1
- 40km course turns in ↶ CP-A and ↶ CP-B and you will visit both sides of mountains with spectacular views. Please consider your fitness before sign up for this course.
- CP-A: arrving before 10:15am and leaving before 10:30am, otherwise DNF – please respect this cut time and wait for 4WD car back to venue after staff record your DNF
- please remember it is mandatory (and safe) to have a GPS device for FT40,FT75,FT104 with uploaded course and STUDY it before the game (know where are check points, and what intersection X-Y-Z,W..)
- CP-A: 10:15am (DNF)
- CP-B: 4:00pm (DNF)
- 檢查站與檢查站之間是非常長的區段,必須攜帶足夠的水及食物
- 參賽資格: 我們建議至少完成ITRA-1越野賽事
- 40Km組別會進入CP-A和CP-B, 分別跑於山的兩側來欣賞美麗風光, 請於報名前考量您的身體狀況.
- CP-A: arrving before 10:15am and leaving before 10:30am, otherwise DNF – please respect this cut time and wait for 4WD car back to venue after staff record your DNF
- 請記住,我們強制規定需要攜帶載有FT40、FT75、FT104 活動路程的 GPS 裝置(安全性考量),並在活動前學習及研究路線(確定每個補給站在哪裡,X-Y-Z-W 的交叉點,..)
18km Formosa Trail
18km / 770m D+
- start 8:00am, 23rd November 2024
- Time to finish: ⏰ 6 hours
- FT18 and FT10 start together at 8:00am, please let fast runners go front
Cut times
- CP-V (venue): 10:45am (DNF)
- ONE Check Point on course (cpV in venue) – but still required carry at least 0.5l hydration and some nutrition
- courses has gorgeous views to Puli and lake, dogs not allowed
- Please do not make photos near military base (c. 3km on course)
- 11月23日上午8:00點起跑
- 完賽時間: ⏰ 6小時
- FT18 and FT10 start together at 8:00am, please let fast runners go front
- CP-V (venue): 10:45am (DNF)
- 此組別有一個cpV點 – 建議攜帶著至少0.5升的飲水及食物
- 此組別可欣賞埔里及鯉魚潭的美麗風光, 寵物陪跑是不允許的
- 請勿在軍事基地附近拍照
10km Formosa Trail
10km / 410m D+ hike
- start 8:00am, 23rd November 2024
- Time to finish: ⏰ 4 hours
- FT18 and FT10 start together at 8am, please let fast runners go front
- one check point, but still recommend take water and small snack
- courses has gorgeous views to Puli and lake, very safe, dogs on leash allowed
- Please do not make photos near military base (c. 3km on course)
10公里 / 410公尺 健行
- 11月23日上午8:00點起跑
- 完賽時間: ⏰ 4小時
- FT18 and FT10 start together at 8am, please let fast runners go front
- 此組別有一個CP點 – 建議攜帶著至少0.5升的飲水及食物
- 此組別可欣賞埔里及鯉魚潭的美麗風光, dogs on leash allowed
- 請勿在軍事基地附近拍照
- * join 104km required be finisher at least 50km of trail race (ITRA-3, better ITRA-4)
- * join 75km required be finisher at least 30km of trail race (ITRA-2, better TRA-3)
- * join 40km required be finisher at least 25km of trail race (ITRA-1)
- find your ITRA record and note it during registration: https://itra.run/
- if you don`t have any ITRA please consider its difficulty and don’t hesitate contact us
- 7*參加104公里需求: 至少完成50公里以上越野賽事(ITRA-3,最好是有ITRA-4)
- *參加75公里需求: 至少完成30公里以上越野賽事(ITRA-2,最好是有ITRA-3)
- *參加40公里需求: 至少完成25公里以上越野賽事(ITRA-1)
- 請查閱您的ITRA點數並且在報名系統上加以備註: https://itra.run/
- 如果您沒有任何ITRA點數,請考量賽程的困難度,並且不要猶豫聯絡我們~
Shortly about course
The course is designed that runner has to be almost independent, so call semi-autonomy. The time spent (irrelevant talk about distance) between check points can be long. Only in CP can gain liquid and energy for next stage, there are not any sources in mountains.
Participants has to follow strictly mandatory equipment and certain rules otherwise may be disqualified. Before and during the event will be random check of your gear, if you will miss any mandatory equipment you may not continue without it. You can let any garbage in CP, but don’t pollute on course.
- GPX and MAP download here (Google drive, may have problem with access):
https://tinyurl.com/FTmapgpx - GPX and MAP download here (Google drive, NEW with less Google restriction):
https://tinyurl.com/FTnavigation - DROPBOX (in case Google asking Share request):

Formosa Trail on GOOGLE map
full screen online map: https://tinyurl.com/FTonlineMAP
original link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1O5wRLEAzm1E1aYKJ-YNfjiVModI&usp=sharing
Formosa Trail map 18km and 10km

GPX FILES and orientation
- GPX and MAPS: https://tinyurl.com/FTmapgpx
- alternative download: https://tinyurl.com/FT2024gpxmap
- If you use Android you can use “Locus Map Classic” or “Maps.me”, if you use iPhone you can try “Maps.me”, you can send email to your self with .gpx or.kml (iPhone doesn’t allow download directly :/). Please don`t ask us how to use or upload to YOUR device in race day or during pickup.
- Please understand that lost on course is not fault of organizers (we mark well, but it is huge area), and YOU may should use GPS device with uploaded course in case of need
- NEVER give up and left course out of checkpoint, if CALL TO ORGANIZER. (please note it there is very bad access to CP-A, don`t give up there, you will have to wait long)
- Left course (DNF) do in Check Point and clearly inform organizers staff. NEVER return in opposite direction of or sleep on course (you can take rest in CP-B1-B2 ,C1-C2.
- GPX and MAPS: https://tinyurl.com/FTmapgpx
- alternative download: https://tinyurl.com/FT2024gpxmap
- 如果您使用的是Android系統, 您可以用””Locus Map Classic””或””Maps.me””.使用iPhone可以用””Maps.me””, 您可以將.gpx或.kml地圖檔email給自己(iPhone不允許直接下載), 請勿於領取物資或賽事日詢問如何將路線上傳至您的裝置.
- 主辦單位於賽事路線有清楚標示, 建議您使用路線地圖上傳至您的GPS裝置, 以防迷路時可以比對
- 請勿於CP點外棄賽或離開賽道, (CP-A位置不好到達, 建議不要在這裡棄賽, 您等後回會場的時間會相當久)
- 若狀況不好要棄賽, 請在CP告知工作人員, 請不要沿路線折回去會在賽道上睡覺(您可以在CP-B1-B2及CP-C1-C2 休息)
Official marking on course 賽道標示
- BEAST RED/WHITE or ORANGE ribbons and REFLECTIVE stripe ribbons (another ribbons are not course of Formosa Trail but can help you keep trail)
- and additional labels (eg. splits of 104/75, important turns. etc.)
- we still recommend use gps device
- there are many reflective TAGs on course since 2023 (to cpA1 and over 大尖山 to finish)
- Beast RED/WHITE or 橘色帶反光的布條(其他布條不是Formosa Trial的標示,但仍可以協助您在步道上)
- 其他標示(如: 104/75的分叉點標示, 關鍵轉彎處的標示等等)
- 我們建議跑者使用GPS裝置
- there are many reflective TAGs on course since 2023 (to cpA1 and over 大尖山 to finish)
Drop Bag for 104km
- Participants can leave one small drop bag for check point C1=C2.
- One transparent plastic bag and card will be provided to you during race pack collection period. Please ensure the bag has inner card with your BIB.
- The CP-C bags must be dropped at starting point of the race in appropriate area (drop bag CP-C) before start of race.
- All bags will be available in CP-C1-C2 after 10am and transfer back to venue after 11:30pm.
- You have to collect drop bags before 10am on Sunday. Any bags not collected before this time may be disposed or reused. If you DNF in cpC you may take your drop bag.
- Please note that the race organizers are not responsible for any loss or damage to any equipment in the drop bags, please do not leave valuable items in the bags.
- Please note there is certain mandatory equipment for whole course (as head lamp, jacket, whistle, phone with Taiwan operator, space blanket,…)
- What to include in drop bag?
- Following section is long and include 1500m vertical ascent
- You are heading to night and it may be cold!
- Extra food
- Spare Socks or shoes
- Extra cloth
- Extra batteries or spare light (good head lamp is mandatory on start, two lights are mandatory behind CP-C1!!)
- We do not recommend put poles to drop bag (it may accidentally band)
- Anti-chafing cream, tape,…

- coordinates X: 23.9696, 121.0533
- approximately distance: 10km & 25km
- notice: use headlamp till cpA, split has reflective arrows
Important Places and their coordinates
Important Places and their coordinates | ||
place | name | coordinates |
venue | YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地 | 23.9738 120.9940 |
cpA (↶ turn for 40km) | Tea Farm 茶園 | 23.9753 121.0693 |
cpB (↶ turn for 40km) | ORANGE house 橘子屋 | 23.9261 121.0283 |
cpC (↶ turn for 75km) | Forest House (5km of forest road) | 23.8890 121.0075 |
spD (temple) | 加德宮 JIA DE TEMPLE | 23.8997 120.9781 |
23.894 | ||
Split and turn points | ||
intersection X | 23.9695 121.0533 | |
Turn point ↶ 75&104k | 關頭山 | 23.9891 121.1006 |
intersection Y | 23.9405 121.0287 | |
split Z 75/104km | 23.8952 121.0205 |
TABLE – distance / elevation / cumulative
FT104 | distance (km) | split (km) | altitude (m.a.s.l.) | cumulative + from start (m) | cumulative – from start (m) | cumulative + split (m) | cumulative – split (m) | cut time |
start | 0.0 | 0 | 530 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4am start |
X | 10.5 | 10.5 | 1640 | 1250 | -110 | 1250 | -110 | |
cpA | 13.4 | 2.9 | 1520 | 1330 | -350 | 80 | -240 | |
turn point ↶ | 18.1 | 4.7 | 1535 | 1580 | -540 | 250 | -190 | |
cpA | 22.8 | 4.7 | 1520 | 1770 | -790 | 190 | -250 | 10:15 DNF |
X | 25.6 | 2.8 | 1640 | 2010 | -870 | 240 | -80 | |
Y | 31.9 | 6.3 | 1550 | 2430 | -1400 | 420 | -530 | |
cpB | 34.2 | 2.3 | 1310 | 2450 | -1680 | 20 | -280 | 14:00 104/75k→DNF leave before 14:15 |
Z | 40.0 | 5.8 | 1470 | 2830 | -1920 | 380 | -240 | |
cpC1 | 44.8 | 4.8 | 1420 | 2980 | -2100 | 150 | -180 | 14:00 104→75k leave before 14:35 16:00 104k/75k→DNF |
Zhong Zheng | 50.2 | 5.4 | 710 | 2980 | -2800 | 0 | -700 | |
54.5 | 4.3 | 645 | 3000 | -2880 | 20 | -80 | ||
大尖山 2017m | 61.7 | 7.2 | 2017 | 4420 | -2950 | 1420 | -70 | |
cpC2 | 72.0 | 10.3 | 1410 | 4520 | -3630 | 100 | -680 | 22:00 104k→DNF |
Z | 76.8 | 4.8 | 1470 | 4700 | -3780 | 180 | -150 | |
Wujie | 86.6 | 9.8 | 760 | 4730 | -4520 | 30 | -740 | |
cpB2 | 89.8 | 3.2 | 1310 | 5280 | -4520 | 550 | 0 | 04:00 104k→DNF leave before 4:20 |
Y | 92.1 | 2.3 | 1550 | 5560 | -4540 | 280 | -20 | |
finish | 103.7 | 11.6 | 530 | 5620 | -5620 | 60 | -1080 | <08:00am |
FT75 | distance (km) | split (km) | altitude (m.a.s.l.) | cumulative + from start (m) | cumulative – from start (m) | cumulative + split (m) | cumulative – split (m) | cut time |
start | 0.0 | 0 | 530 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4am start |
X | 10.5 | 10.5 | 1640 | 1250 | -110 | 1250 | -110 | |
cpA | 13.4 | 2.9 | 1520 | 1330 | -350 | 80 | -240 | |
turn point ↶ | 18.1 | 4.7 | 1535 | 1580 | -540 | 250 | -190 | |
cpA | 22.8 | 4.7 | 1520 | 1770 | -790 | 190 | -250 | 10:15 DNF |
X | 25.6 | 2.8 | 1640 | 2010 | -870 | 240 | -80 | |
Y | 31.9 | 6.3 | 1550 | 2430 | -1400 | 420 | -530 | |
cpB | 34.2 | 2.3 | 1310 | 2450 | -1680 | 20 | -280 | 14:00 104/75k→DNF leave before 14:15 |
Z | 40.0 | 5.8 | 1470 | 2830 | -1920 | 380 | -240 | |
cpC | 44.8 | 4.8 | 1420 | 2980 | -2100 | 150 | -180 | 16:00 104k/75k→DNF |
Z | 49.6 | 4.8 | 1470 | 3150 | -2250 | 170 | -150 | |
Wujie | 59.4 | 9.8 | 760 | 3200 | -2990 | 50 | -740 | |
cpB2 | 62.6 | 3.2 | 1310 | 3750 | -2990 | 550 | 0 | 20:30 75k→DNF |
Y | 64.9 | 2.3 | 1550 | 4030 | -3010 | 280 | -20 | |
finish | 76.5 | 11.6 | 530 | 4090 | -4090 | 60 | -1080 | <24:00 |
FT40 | distance (km) | split (km) | altitude (m.a.s.l.) | cumulative + from start (m) | cumulative – from start (m) | cumulative + split (m) | cumulative – split (m) | cut time |
start | 0.0 | 0 | 530 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5:30am start |
X | 10.5 | 10.5 | 1640 | 1250 | -110 | 1250 | -110 | |
cpA | 13.4 | 2.9 | 1520 | 1330 | -350 | 80 | -240 | 10:15am DNF |
X | 16.3 | 2.9 | 1550 | 1570 | -430 | 240 | -80 | |
Y | 22.6 | 6.3 | 1550 | 1990 | -960 | 420 | -530 | |
cpB | 24.9 | 2.3 | 1310 | 2010 | -1240 | 20 | -280 | 16:00 40k→DNF |
Y | 27.2 | 2.3 | 1550 | 2290 | -1260 | 280 | -20 | |
finish | 38.8 | 11.6 | 530 | 2340 | -2340 | 50 | -1080 | <18:30pm |
FT18 | distance (km) | split (km) | altitude (m.a.s.l.) | cumulative + from start (m) | cumulative – from start (m) | cumulative + split (m) | cumulative – split (m) | cut time |
start | 0.0 | 0.0 | 530 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8:00am start |
8.0 | 6.0 | 690 | 360 | -210 | 360 | -210 | ||
cpV = venue | 10.5 | 2.8 | 520 | 360 | -380 | 0 | -170 | 10:45 DNF |
TOP | 13.5 | 1.7 | 830 | 670 | -380 | 310 | 0 | |
turn right – bridge | 15.5 | 2.1 | 2.1 | 690 | -620 | 20 | -240 | |
finish | 18.5 | 3.3 | 3.3 | 690 | -690 | 0 | -70 |
FT10 | distance (km) | split (km) | altitude (m.a.s.l.) | cumulative + from start (m) | cumulative – from start (m) | cumulative + split (m) | cumulative – split (m) | cut time |
start | 0.0 | 0.0 | 530 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8:00am start |
cp10 | 8.0 | 6.0 | 690 | 360 | -210 | 360 | -210 | |
finish | 10.0 | 2.0 | 530 | 360 | -150 | 0 | -360 |