
2026 Western States 100 qualifying race

Hello Petr and Eva,
I hope this finds you well!
We are pleased to inform you that the 2024 Formosa Trail 104km has been selected as a qualifying race for the 2026 Western States 100. Runners who complete the race within 28 hours will qualify to enter a lottery where the runners for Western States will be selected. You do not need to submit anything to us, we will obtain the results directly from your website.

The qualifying period for the 2026 Western States will be from November 4, 2024 through November 2, 2025. The lottery will be held on December 6, 2025, and the race itself will be run on June 27-28, 2026.

Congratulations, and from the entire Western States family, thanks for all the great work you are doing for our sport!

Kind regards,
John Medinger
Western States 100

Formosa Trail 2024 Registration

Formosa Trail 2024 Registration for Early birds open 16th April 2024

Formosa Trail 2023 certificates, photos, hoodies,…

Formosa Trail 2023 was successful and full of joy and bit of pain (read stories below). Reminder, there are https://beast.run/pages/results available and thousands of photos. Hoodies arrived.

“What is in cup? Hint – it is not favourite beverage of local aborigines Paolyta B… Learn new term – Rhabdomyolysis 橫紋肌溶解症”


“Version of incidend from professional doctor in cpB. One hour from report to hospital is too fast for outdoor emergency, please remember: listen your body

” Your Safety is Your Responsibility”



(click on your results and scroll to certificates option)

“As usually our photographers did amaizing job and here is possible find photos from FT2023”

What about new venue? Any comments? Then visit their FB and give them some possitive feedback ♥
It was quite shock for managemenet host biggest trail running event in Taiwan. But we believe we found right partner for Formosa Trail and 跑山獸.

FORMOSA HOODIES FINALLY ARRIVED, it was sent for who pre-ordered. For others is possible order now on www.beast.run together with FT and 跑山獸 merchandise

⚠️Important notice ⚠️ 重要通知

⚠️ 重要通知:領取物資包時請攜帶選手證件(接受證件影本或拍照截圖)。



⚠️Important notice: Please bring your personal ID or passport  (a photocopy of the ID or a photo or screenshot will be accepted) when receiving the material of race pack. 

★When registering, participant must sign an “Insurance Contract” and “Disclaimer” signed by themselves. Only after verifying that the contestant’s ID is correct can they receive the complete material package. 

★Those who are not able to attend can also ask a friend to collect the material package on their behalf. Please provide a “Disclaimer” signed by yourself and copy of your ID.. After verifying that the player’s ID is correct, you can receive the material package. However, BIBnumbers will not be included.



FT2023 newsletter FUT104 #2 (sent 19/11/2023)

Dear event participants,
Formosa Trail is coming next weekend.
We would like remind your some informations, more are on website: www.formosatrail.com


Formosa Trail 福爾摩沙古道即將在下週末展開~   我們想要提醒您一些資訊,更多細節請參閱活動官網:www.formosatrail.com

活動物資領取 👕

  • https://formosatrail.com/race-pack/
  • 如果您需要幫忙朋友代領物資的話,請朋友先下載並列印參加免責聲明同意書後,填寫並簽名,活動當天請攜帶到活動會場並交給工作人員:www.event.beast.run/waiver
  • 現行法規規定,旅平險需要親自簽名,請參加者也需要簽署旅平險合約書,這有可能會延緩領取物資的速度,請大家耐心等待,建議先在官網查詢號碼布編號以加速流程。
  • 活動號碼布編號或搭乘接駁車名單,可參閱:www.formosatrail.com/participants/ 
  • 11/24(週五),在領取物資時,必須檢查104公里的裝備,並在104公里跑者背袋(104 公里全程使用的背袋上)安裝 GSM 追蹤裝置。
  • 物資包中有很多項目,包括複雜的BIB號碼布
    • 主要的BIB晶片號碼布 – 請放置於身體前面並配合補給站的工作人員。
    • 會場寄物請撕下來:於號碼布底部,用於寄放行李。
    • 跑者背心晶片請撕下來:於號碼布的側邊,裡面包含第二個RFID 晶片- 請參加者將其撕下並綁在使用的背袋上(如果有18 公里的跑者僅穿著腰帶,請一樣固定在腰帶上)

溫度和天氣 ☀️🥶

  • 埔里的天氣很宜人,風光明媚,為了預防天氣的變化,請務必做好準備
  • 傍晚和夜間氣溫驟降-參與長距離的朋友們,請務必保持保暖(40,75及104公里必須攜帶防水外套-強制性裝備)


  • 強制裝備,請參閱網站(www.formosatrail.com/rules/)並請瞭解整個活動路線(www.formosatrail.com/course/)。
  • 最近媒體報導許多蜂螫事件,我們維護了整個活動路線,沒有注意到任何虎頭蜂巢穴,但我們無法確保隨機性地蜂螫,請嚴重過敏的跑友小心並注意安全。
  • 如果患有心血管疾病或類似健康問題的跑者請勿參加,我們無法在越野路徑中提供快速的協助。 
  •  很感謝今年有這麼棒的場地,所以請務必將會場內的垃圾做好分類。
  •  如果您想使用會場內的游泳池,請先淋浴乾淨再使用。 並請務必注意泳池內的其他人和兒童。

從台北搭乘或一大早從埔里搭乘的接駁車 🚌

停車 🅿️


  • 補給站或會場不提供杯子、碗
  • cpB和cpC提供熱食
  • 會場準備各種食物,有素食選擇 
  • 請攜帶餐具,您的物資袋有一個折疊碗
  • 重要提示 – 請保留在活動路線中提供給您的信物帶 = 白天在會場裡的飲食是依白色信物帶做為辨識(10、18、40 公里),黑色信物帶於夜間和周日慶功宴(75,104 公里)。
  • 紅色信物帶將在領取物資包時提供給訂購週日慶功宴的參加者。週日早上將信物帶戴在手腕上做識別,可使用食物及飲料。(額外訂單:www.formosatrail.com/participants/

週六娛樂活動 17:00 至 21:00 ♬🎸

  • 歡迎參加娛樂晚會(音樂表演。可以在會場服務台購買生啤酒或飲料)


  • 每個完成者都會收到禮品,與以往使用的獎牌不同,更像是可平日搭配的飾品。
  • 驚喜 – FUT104 完賽者將獲得特製的輕量 HANCHOR SURFACE 胸/肩包,
  • (請攜帶您的 BIB 號碼前往跑山獸攤位領取 FUT104 完賽者禮物)


明年見,Petr & Eva 及 跑山獸團隊


Dear event participants,
Formosa Trail is coming next weekend.
We would like remind your some informations, more are on website: www.formosatrail.com


  • https://formosatrail.com/race-pack/
  •  if you need pickup behalf of your friend he need print, sign and provide Entry Disclaimer: www.event.beast.run/waiver
  • your BIB number or bus ticket can find here: www.formosatrail.com/participants/
  • Participants have to sign up for an Insurance contract, it slightly slow down the process, please be patient.
  • There is mandatory gear check for 104km participant on Friday during race pack pickup and installation of GPS tracking device on 104km runners vest (the vest you are running whole course of 104km).
  • There are many items in race pack, include complex runners BIB number
    • Main BIB – please wear it on front of body and cooperate with staff in check point
    • STORAGE BAG VENUE tear-off: is bottom attachment for luggage storage.
    • RUNNING VEST CHIP tear-off: is NEW side attachment which include secondary RFID chip – participants tear it off and attach with zip tie to their running vest from back (if runners of 18km do wear only waist belt it can attach to it)


  • it is very pleasant weather here in Puli, sunny and not so humid, but it may change, so be prepared
  • But evening and night are cold – consider add mid layer for long distance runners (waterproof jacket is mandatory for 40,75,104km)


  • Please see mandatory gear (www.formosatrail.com/rules/) and study course (www.formosatrail.com/course/).
  • We maintained the whole course and didn`t notice any hornet net, but we cannot eliminate random wasp or hornet stings. Please runners with serious allergies to consider their safety.
  • If there are runners with recently developed heart or similar health issues please do not join the run, it is not possible to provide help fast on trail running courses. Thank you
  • Please separate garbage in the venue. Please take a shower if you would like to use the pool in the venue. Please pay attention to others and kids in the pool.

SHUTTLE BUS from TAIPEI or morning from Puli️ 🚌


FOOD on course, in VENUE and SUNDAY celebration

  • NO CUPS, NO BOWL are provided in check points or venue
  • cpB and cpC has various option of cooked food
  • various food will be prepared in venue, with vegetarian option
  • please bring your own bowl, one foldable bowl is in your race pack
  • IMPORTANT –  Keep wristbands given to you on course = entry for food and drinks in venue during day white wristband (10,18,40km) or black wristband for night and Sunday party (75,104km).
  • RED tyvek WRISTBAND is given to participants during race pack pickup who order optional SUNDAY PARTY. Have it on your wrist during Sunday morning to access food and beverage. (extra orders: www.formosatrail.com/participants/)

Saturday entertainment 17:00 to 21:00  ♬🎸

  • You are welcome to join the entertainment evening (music performance. It will be possible buy draught beer or drinks in venue bar)


  • Every finisher will receive gift, it is not classic medal, more like jewellery
  • surprise – finisher of FUT104 will receive FT edition of Hanchor Surface (please visit Beast Runners BOOTH with your BIB number to get your FUT104 finisher gift)

Be safe and have fun and great weekend in Puli,
See you,
Petr & Eva and BR team

FT2023 newsletter FUT104 (sent 9/11/2023)



  • FUT 104公里最新路線版本及變更
  • FT2023 的 GPX 已更新,包括 FUT104 的最新版本,以下為更改內容:
    • 2023年104公里取消CPD補給站(可能有控制巡邏點)
    • 轉換袋位置換到cpC1及C2 (可以存取兩次can access twice)
    • 除了起跑和終點之外,路線和去年是相同的
    • DROP BAG 轉換袋移至 cpC1 和 C2(可存取兩次)
    • cpA關門時間為11/25上午10點15分(主要針對40公里跑者)
    • cpB1關門時間為11/25下午14點30分
    • cpC1有從104公里降為75公里的選項(下午2點以後強制降組或DNF)
    • cpC2 關門時間為11/25晚上22點整,cpB2關門時間為11/26凌晨5點整
  • 山徑入口處可能有一些鐵鍊(第一次攀登有兩條鐵鍊,晚上會經過)和水頭谷山(75公里和104公里)前的大門,請不要擔心翻越過這些鐵鍊。它們的安裝是為了阻擋越野機車進入。
  • 下山往武界方向有部分農路施工,請小心注意安全。
  • 11/24週五,在領取物資時,必須檢查 104 公里的裝備,並在 104 公里跑者背心(104 公里全程使用的背心上)安裝 GPS 追蹤裝置。
  • 請在11/26周日上午10 點之前,在跑山獸Beast 攤位歸還GPS/GSM追蹤器,並領取您的完賽禮物(Hanchor Surface bag)!
  • Petr 對今年的變化以及取消 cpD補給站感到抱歉,但相信這些更動會提升整個賽程及安全機制。


Formosa Ultra-Trail 104km final changes

  • FUT 104km final course version and changes
  • GPX for FT2023 is updated, include final version of FUT104, with following changes:
    • There is not cpD in 2023 for 104km (there may be control patrol)
    • DROP BAG 轉換袋 is moved to cpC1 and C2 (can access twice)
    • Except start and final part the course is same as last year
    • There is cut time at 10:15am in cpA (mainly for 40km runners)
    • There is cut time in cpB1 at 14:30
    • There is option change from 104 to 75km in cpC1 (after 2pm is mandatory change or DNF)
    • There is cut time at 22:00 in cpC2 and 5:00am in cpB2
  • There may be several chains on trail entries (two chains in first climb which you will cross at night) and gate before 水頭谷 Shui Tou Gu mountain (75 and 104km), please do not worry climb over these. They are installed to block entry for enduro motorbikes
  • There is construction of farm road on descent to Wujie 武界, please pay attention.
  • There is mandatory gear check for 104km on Friday during race pack pickup and installation of GPS tracking device on 104km runners vest (the vest you are running whole course of 104km).
  • Please return GPS/GSM tracker in Beast booth and pickup your finisher gift (Hanchor Surface bag) before 10am on Sunday!!!
  • Petr is sorry for changes and not including cpD this year, but believe this change may improve overall support of runners and safety.

All information can find on website: https://formosatrail.com/course/

FT2023 newsletter #1 (sent 27/10/2023)

Formosa Trail is coming in one month. There are many changes this year, we work hard to make the event even better. We will send a couple of emails to remind you of important things.

Most of the information can find on website: www.formosatrail.com



從台北, 台中機場或埔里搭乘接駁車的朋友們,請注意囉! 🚌

  • 請問來福爾摩沙古道的交通解決了嗎?有些從台北的接駁車的班次已經額滿了,我們也有從台中機場發車的接駁車。
  • 更多資訊請參照: www.formosatrail.com/transportation/
  • 車票BIB:www.formosatrail.com/participants/
  • 對於您的 BIB 號碼和接駁車票,請使用線上參與名單並按照您的姓名進行搜尋
  • 台北 – 上午 09:30 和下午 2:00 的接駁車 🚌 已額滿。這段期間,是否還需要搭乘接駁車呢? (如果有更多需求,我們可能會再加開班次)
  • 台中機場 – 有幾位國外跑者會搭乘香港快運航空,但時間皆不同。我們可以為您安排計程車共乘🚕,或是安排接駁車🚌。但請先填寫此表格(包含週五和週日航班詳細資料)
  • 埔里– 週六早上從埔里出發的接駁車,目前也已經額滿。
  • 如果您仍需要任何上述交通,請填寫此表格:
  • https://forms.gle/maP4F6CnfgNrudLeA
  • 如有其他的需求,請盡快透過電子郵件: info@beast.run 與我們聯繫


  • 地點 – YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地 (全程3天) 開始/結束
  • 請下載最新版的FT2023 GPX (FUT104 可能還有些許的變化)
  • 18公里組只有1個補給站,位置在10公里迴路之後的主會場內!
  • 18公里和10公里比賽於上午8:00同時開始。請讓跑得更快的跑者優先。
  • 請記住,我們強制規定需要攜帶載有FT40、FT75、FUT104 活動路程的 GPS 裝置(安全性考量),並請在活動前學習及研究路線(確定每個補給站位置,X-Y-Z-W 的交叉路口,..)
  • 地圖,gpx,離線地圖,詳細的活動路線在這裡:www.formosatrail.com/course/


COURSE did change

  • VENUE – YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地 (all 3 days) START/FINISH
  • GPX for FT2023 is updated (FUT104 may have still small changes)
  • There is only one check point for 18km category  which is placed in the venue after the 10km loop!
  • 18km and 10km start together at 8:00am. Please let faster runners ahead.
  • please remember it is mandatory (and safe) to have a GPS device for FT40,FT75,FUT104 with uploaded course and STUDY it before the game (know where are check points, and what intersection X-Y-Z,W..)
  • maps, gpx, offline map, course details are here: www.formosatrail.com/course/

SHUTTLE BUS from TAIPEI, Taichung airport or morning from Puli️ 🚌

  • Did you solve your transportation to FORMOSA TRAIL? Some buses are full, some are travelling from Taichung airport..
  • More info in www.formosatrail.com/transportation/
  • TICKETS and BIB: www.formosatrail.com/participants/
  • for your BIB number and bus ticket use online participants list and search by your name
  • TAIPEI – buses 🚌 at 09:30am and 2:00pm are full. Do you still need a bus around these times? (depends on demand, we may release some)
  • TAICHUNG airport – there are several overseas runners coming with HK express but at various times. We may connect you to share taxi🚕 or even help you arrange shuttle bus 🚌. But please first fill this questionnaire for (Friday and Sunday options include your flight details)
  • PULI Saturday morning for START – these buses are currently also full. 
  • Fill this form if you still need any above transportation: 
  • https://forms.gle/maP4F6CnfgNrudLeA
  • For any special request please contact us early directly via email info@beast.run


Surprise – finisher of FUT104 will receive special edition of HANCHOR SURFACE chest/shoulder bag

驚喜! – 每位FUT104 的完成者將獲得特製的輕量 HANCHOR SURFACE 胸/肩包

Surface in eShop

We just launched a new Beast Runners 跑山獸 Shop (www.beast.run). If you do like more Formosa Trail or Beast goods you can order right now and receive via post. The additional apparels are limited, don`t wait for the Formosa Trail expo.

What is available? Formosa Trail T-shirt, Otso FT Hoodie, Hanchor Surface bag, Footland Merino or Coolmax socks.. Need proper headlamp – HM65R-DT ? Whistle or lightweight OPINEL knife?

我們剛推出了新的 Beast Runners 跑山獸 商店 (www.beast.run )。如果您喜歡更多 Formosa Trail福爾摩沙古道或跑山獸的商品,您可以立即訂購並透過郵寄方式收到。活動紀念衫數量有限,不要等到福爾摩沙古道expo。 

有哪些合適的? 福爾摩沙古道紀念衫、Otso福爾摩沙古道帽T、Hanchor Surface胸/肩包、Footland Merino 或 Coolmax 襪子.. 或需要合適的頭燈 – HM65R-DT?哨子,或是輕巧的獵刀?


15% off entire order

Use code: runningFT2023 at checkout, or click the link below to automatically apply the discount to your order. Valid only once per participants (email) of FT2023

Requires minimum purchase of $1,200.00
Offer valid Oct 26, 2023 – Nov 10, 2023

FT2023 brief info

  • date – 25th November 2023 (run day)
  • VENUE – YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地 (all 3 days)
  • COURSE: 10km,18km,~40km,~75km,~104km

FT2022 INFO EMAIL sent 16th November 2022:

BASIC INFO reminder

 Formosa Trail is coming this weekend.
We would like remind your some informations, more are on website: www.formosatrail.com

Formosa Trail 福爾摩沙古道即將在這週末展開~

COURSE did change

  • VENUE – 天水蓮大飯店 Lakeside hotel (all 3 days) START/FINISH
  • LOOP clockwise around the lake for FT104/75/40 and FT16 is add after start,
  • GPX for FT2022 is updated
  • please remember it is mandatory (and safe) to have a GPS device for FT40,FT75,FUT104 with uploaded course and STUDY it before game (know where are check points, and what intersection X-Y-Z,..)


  • 地點 – 天水蓮大飯店 Lakeside hotel (全程3天) 開始/結束
  • FT104/75/40 順時針環繞鯉魚潭,FT16 起跑後再開始後添加,
  • 請下載更新版的FT2022 GPX
  • 請記住,我們強制規定需要攜帶載有FT40、FT75、FUT104 活動路程的 GPS 裝置(安全性考量),並在活動前學習及研究路線(確定每個補給站在哪裡,X-Y-Z 的交叉點,..)



WATER, food and Covid prevention in Check Point 🚰

  • simple rule, what you touch others should not touch
  • in Check Points are various cookies, fruit and in cpB, cpC and cpD is cooked food
  • Water in CP are:
    • 600ml PET bottle – take and drink all
    • 1500ml PET bottle – only for refill your flask or bladder
    • COKE 2L or Supao – use your cup
    • 32GI mixture sport drink in cpC an cpD – use your cup
  • NO BOWLS, NO CUPS are provided, please bring your own bowl and cutlery (include food in venue)

補給站的水、食物和 Covid 預防 🚰

  • 簡單的規則:請不要觸摸別人的物品
  • 補給站裡提供許多種類的餅乾、水果,cpB、cpC 和 cpD 中提供熟食
  • CP中的水是:
    • 600 毫升 PET 瓶 – 隨取
    • 1500 毫升 PET 瓶 – 僅用於裝滿水壺/瓶或水袋包
    • 2公升的可樂或舒跑 – 請使用自備的環保杯
    • cpC 和 cpD提供32GI 混合運動飲料 – 請使用自備的環保杯
  • 不提供碗,杯子,請自備餐具(包含享用會場內的食物)


  • it is very pleasant weather here in Puli, sunny and not so humid, but it may change, so be prepared
  • But evening and night are cold – consider add mid layer for long distance runners (waterproof jacket is mandatory for 40,75,104km)

溫度和天氣 ☀️  

  • 埔里的天氣很宜人,陽光明媚,以防天氣變化,請務必做好準備
  • 傍晚和夜間氣溫驟降-參與長距離的朋友們,請務必保持保暖(40,75及104公里必須攜帶防水外套-強制性裝備)

SHUTTLE BUS from TAIPEI or morning from Puli️ 🚌




FOOD in VENUE and SUNDAY celebration

  • various food will be prepared in venue, with vegetarian option
  • please bring your own bowl
  • IMPORTANT – use BIB number to get drink or food
  • IMPOTANT – keep wristband which you will receive during the run, it is “ticket” for SUNDAY party and celebration which starts at 8am


  • 會場準備各種食物,有素食選擇 
  • 請攜帶餐具
  • 重要提示 – 請使用號碼布領取餐點及飲料
  • 重要 – 請保留您在活動期間收到的手環(信物帶),我們的工作人員以手環來辨識,為周日慶功宴的“入場券”,慶功宴從上午 8 點開始


  • Every finisher will receive gift, it is not classic medal
  • HANCHOR limited edition of MICA wallet in Formosa Trail design
  • after finish please visit Beast Runners BOOTH with your BIB number to get your finisher gift
  • surprise – finisher of FUT104 will receive FT edition of Compressport headband!


  • 每個完成者都會收到禮品,與以往使用的獎牌不同
  • HANCHOR特別為福爾摩沙古道設計的限量版 MICA錢包袋
  • 完成後,請攜帶號碼布前往跑山獸的攤位領取完成禮
  • 重大驚喜 !! FUT104 的完成者將獲得 FT 限量版 Compressport 壓縮頭帶!

Sponsors and partners 贊助商和合作夥伴

  • www.formosatrail.com/partners/
  • Footland
  • Compressport
  • Runivore
  • Aiwanderen (Otso)
  • Outdoor man (Altra)
  • BQ
  • Deer Run
  • RFS Required for Sports
  • Predator Shot
  • 32GI
  • Lakeside resort (venue)
  • 心心星公益

 Be safe and have fun and great weekend in Puli,

See you,
Petr & Eva 


Taiwan to end quarantine and adopt 7-day self-initiated prevention policy for arrivals on

more details: https://www.cdc.gov.tw/En/Category/ListContent/tov1jahKUv8RGSbvmzLwFg?uaid=nEBLnOPooDYFy_CBJqfWvg


  • Q1. Will be there shuttle bus from Puli center to race start?
    • A1. YES. But we currently negotiate with some hotels in Puli center to provide free transportation to race start to their customers. For not customers will be possible book morning shuttle bus in Beast Runners eshop 3 months prior event. We will announce on website.
    • A1. If capacity allows we recommend stay in Solas Hotel (race venue) or Lake Side hotel (race pack pickup, shuttle bus, 700m from start) during whole weekend include Sunday morning celebration!
  • Q2. Will be there shuttle bus from TAICHUNG aiport.
    • A2. YES. Due changes on flight we need you fill up short
      SURVEY – TAICHUNG AIRPORT about your flight to Taichung airport (RMQ). We will provide shuttle bus on Friday (time depends on demand) and back on Sunday (12:15 from Lake hotel back to RMQ). It will be possible book it in Beast Runners eshop 3 months prior event. We will announce on website.
  • Q3. Can I pay fee by Credit card
    • A3. Credit card payment is possible only for credit card or Paypal NOT issued in Taiwan Dollar. For payment in Taiwan please use online banking or ATM to bank account: E SUN (808) / 0554-940-006524
  • Q4. How is weather and temperatures?
    • A4. Past 3 years was sunny day and cold nights. Temperatures during the day were pleasant (humidity too), however in open areas (behind cpB to C and D) may be negative effect of sun. In night temperatures may drop under 10°C. Water proof jacket is mandatory to carry on whole course. If you are slower runner you may prepare dry shirt and extra mid layer in drop bag of Check Point D (53k).
  • Q5. Is there parking space nearby venue?
    • A5. There is not possible park in venue of Solas hotel. First parking space is nearby and another close to Lake Hotel (see one map). Both has limited capacity, we recommend use shuttle bus and stay for whole weekend if you travel from Taipei.
  • Q6. Is there storage are for luggage, and shower in finish?
    • A6. YES. You can brink your luggage to race venue and mark it by stripe from your BIB number and let in storage area. There are WC and showers in Solas hotel. Another WC is 100m from finish line, you may https://goo.gl/maps/kod1crcCasA2 prefer that in busy morning time.
  • Q7. Can I receive support in Check Point from my crew.
    • A7. YES, but only in cpB and cpD. Check points A and C are remotely located and need 4WD car to access them. Please do not let your crew or family drive there (if drive is not skilled may have accident and block only access to these check points). We recommend cpD as best point to support runner of FUT 104km. Online results can find here (just some points has lack of data transfer): https://www.webscorer.com/beastrunners

News and Actualities

2020 Formosa Ultra Trail 104km has been selected as a qualifying race for the 2022 Western States 100.