Formosa Trail 2025 SAVE THE DATE
提前預告我們的 福爾摩沙古道(Formosa Trail) ⛰️ 將於 2025年11月28日到11月30日盛大舉行!請大家記得標記行事曆,預留時間來參與這場精彩賽事!更多資訊將於三月公佈。
SAVE THE DATEof Formosa Trail 2025 which will be held from November 28 to November 30, 2025! Please remember to mark your calendar and reserve time to participate in this exciting event! More information coming during March.
Formosa Trail 2024 (finisher photo on certificate)
You may notice certain improving of finish gate of Formosa Trail. Did you like it? Petr`s ideas turn to reality even it cost lot of effort and DIY. No metal frame, not inflatable monsters, not one-time used banners,…
Together with 清冰 Photography we have sweet surprise for participants who purchased printed finisher photo during the event.
You can find your finisher photo on vertical and horizontal CERTIFICATE of Formosa Trail 2024 in your result.
Find your results here or here:

Formosa Trail 2024 (email newsletter 14/11/2024)
Dear event participants,
Formosa Trail 8th edition is coming soon, weekend of 22-23-24 November 2024.
Most information is on the website, but we would like to remind you of some. This email and any updates will be posted here: www.formosatrail.com/FAQ
第八屆福爾摩沙古道即將於下周五,六及日(11月22~24日)舉行囉~ 所有的資訊都在網站上,我們想提醒您一些資訊。此電子郵件和任何更新宣布在這裡:www.formosatrail.com/FAQ
- 重要資訊於此:hwww.formosatrail.com/race-pack/
- 參加號碼或搭乘接駁車名單,可參閱:www.formosatrail.com/participants/
- 請參加者簽署旅平險合約書,這有可能會延緩領取物資的速度,請大家耐心等待,建議先在官網查詢號碼以加速流程。
- 104公里參賽者在週五物資領取期間需進行強制性裝備檢查,並安裝GPS/GSM追蹤裝置於背心上(這是整個104公里路程中將要穿的背心)。104公里追蹤連接: https://en.follow.me.cz/tracking-en/FT2024/
- 物資袋中有很多項目,包括複雜的BIB號碼布
- 主要的RFID晶片號碼布 – 請放置於身體前面並配合補給站的工作人員。
- 會場寄物:於號碼布底部虛線請撕下來,用於寄放行李。
- 跑者背心晶片:於號碼布的側邊虛線請撕下來,包含第二個RFID晶片- 請參加者將其撕下並綁在使用的背袋上(如果10及18 公里的跑者僅穿跑步腰帶的話,請一樣固定在腰帶上)
- 主要的RFID晶片號碼布 – 請放置於身體前面並配合補給站的工作人員。
- 會場寄物:於號碼布底部虛線請撕下來,用於寄放行李。
- 跑者背心晶片:於號碼布的側邊虛線請撕下來,包含第二個RFID晶片- 請參加者將其撕下並綁在使用的背袋上(如果10及18 公里的跑者僅穿跑步腰帶的話,請一樣固定在腰帶上)
There are many items in race pack, include complex runners BIB number:
- Main BIB with RFID chip – please wear it on front of body and cooperate with staff in check point
- STORAGE BAG VENUE tear-off: is bottom attachment for luggage storage.
- RUNNING VEST CHIP tear-off: is side attachment which include secondary RFID chip – participants tear it off and attach with zip tie to their running vest from back (10 and 18km participants may attach to running belt or keep both chips in front of body)
- 物資袋包括奶茶色 Fomosa Trail 上衣、竹纖維碗、塑膠叉勺、UP Sport 專業運動營養補給(官方補給品)

- 更多資訊在: www.formosatrail.com/transportation/
- 號碼和接駁車票,請直接用您的名字在官網參加名單中直接搜尋(請手機截圖並記住您的號碼):www.formosatrail.com/participants/
- 現在仍可以在 eshop 訂購接駁車位:www.beast.run/collections/ft2024
- 福爾摩沙古道的所有的補給站及重要位置都可以在Google線上地圖查閱:https://tinyurl.com/FTonlineMAP
停車 🅿️
- 所有關於交通及停車的資訊在:www.formosatrail.com/transportation/
- 主要停車場(步行 3 分鐘即可到達 YCC)https://maps.app.goo.gl/uvLwXexZ5x3GbMQ36
- 預防道路壅塞,阻礙其他交通,車子請僅停靠在河濱對面側。https://goo.gl/maps/Kx563qtzBQx3BW6z8
- 請勿停靠在河濱邊!!
- 停車場(104、75、40公里參加者優先):https://maps.app.goo.gl/uvLwXexZ5x3GbMQ36
- 靠在慈孝堂旁邊的停車場附近(適合 18,10 公里參加者) https://maps.app.goo.gl/1etSH3Y1T2updqjY8
- 週六早上,沿著YCC緣溪行森林營地停車的空間可能不夠,您需要在停在鯉魚潭附近,然後步行前往YCC
- 請參閱強制裝備(www.formosatrail.com/rules/)並請瞭解整個活動路線(www.formosatrail.com/course/)。
- 近期的颱風帶來了額外清理工作,但目前一切都已盡可能清理
- 我們維護了整個活動路線,沒有注意到任何虎頭蜂巢穴,但我們無法確保隨機性地蜂螫,請嚴重過敏的跑友小心並注意安全。
- 如果患有心血管疾病或類似健康問題的跑者請勿參加,我們無法在越野山徑中提供快速的協助。
- 如果您想使用營區內的游泳池,請先淋浴。並請注意泳池內的其他人和兒童
- 溫度和天氣☀️🥶:
- 埔里的天氣非常宜人,陽光明媚,不太潮濕,但可能會有變化,所以要做好準備
- 傍晚和夜晚有些涼意-長距離跑者請考慮中層保暖衣-洋蔥式穿法(40,75,104公里必須強制攜帶防風/防水機能性外套)
- 與去年一樣,FT的會場位於緣溪行森林營地,場地寬敞。
- 迷你素食小夜市(會盡快以中文發布訊息)
- 物資領取 2pm to 9pm
- 感謝所有贊助商和合作夥伴 (www.formosatrail.com/partners/)
- 補給站或會場不提供杯子、碗
- cpB 和 cpC 有多種熟食可供選擇(葷食者可以選擇性加肉)
- 會場準備各種食物,有素食選擇
- 請攜帶餐具,您的物資袋將有一個折疊碗及塑膠叉匙
- 重要提示 – 請保留在活動路線中提供的信物帶 = 白天在會場裡的飲食是依照白色信物帶做為辨識(10、18、40 公里),黑色信物帶於夜間和周日慶功宴(75,104 公里)。
- 紅色信物帶將在領取物資包時提供給訂購週日慶功活動的參加者。週日早上將信物帶戴在手腕上做識別,可使用食物及飲料。(額外訂購:www.formosatrail.com/participants/)
- https://formosatrail.com/course/
- 活動路程和去年幾乎一樣
- 近期的颱風和先前越野機車騎乘某些路段..等對地形都有造成了一些損害
- 請細心研讀活動路線,關門時間,地圖,並下載路線 GPX檔案到您的GPS裝置。
- 請現在於 eshop 購買,商品將加到您的物資袋中
- 只適用於2024福爾摩沙古道的參加者(請使用相同的電子郵件和姓名進行購物)
- 福爾摩沙古道指定服飾可享12%折扣,請使用折扣碼:FT2024participant12
- 11月19日前使用(店內取貨 – 商店地點 – Formosa Trail)
- 活動接駁車及服飾:www.beast.run/collections/ft2024
- 限量版紅色福爾摩沙古道上衣及帽子套組(可享 12% 折扣)
週六娛樂活動 17:00 至 21:00 ♬🎸
- KTV-您愛唱歌、愛跳舞、愛表演嗎?
- 今年將即興表演,歡迎您、FT參加者、志工們參加週六娛樂晚會
LIVE RESULTS 結果 (share to your followers):
- 每個完成者都會在終點線收到完成獎章
- 驚喜—FUT104完成者將獲得特別的禮物—請攜帶您的號碼布前往跑山獸攤位領取
- 清冰 Photography 將在終點為跑者們拍下酷酷美美的照片,歡迎購買終點線照片,並可獲得特製款的線上成績證書
UP Sports
UP Sports 是台灣專業運動補給品牌,透過運動營養科學,研發兼顧美味、機能、輕量化補給品,適合長距離越野賽中!
🔸FAST能量果膠 – 2:1 複合單糖配方能超快吸收!30公克碳水和45公克輕量化!
🔸咖啡因能量棒 – 天然碳水與75毫克咖啡因,補充能量並賽中維持精神!
🔸FOCHEWS能量軟糖 – GABA與牛磺酸添加,碳水補充並幫助保持賽中專注!
更多運動機能性補給品,可參考UP Sports 品牌官網:
#UPSports #FAST能量果膠 #咖啡因能量棒 #FOCHEWS能量軟糖
今年度Fenix將會與我們一同在Formosa Trail共襄盛舉,並帶來它們的一系列產品,如果有缺頭燈參加比賽的跑友,歡迎直接在活動期間到Fenix的攤位選購,除了有展覽才有的優惠價格以外,更有一系列的好禮任你抽!
明年見,Petr & Eva 及 跑山獸團隊
Dear event participants,
Formosa Trail 8th edition is coming soon, weekend of 22-23-24 November 2024.Most information is on the website, but we would like to remind you of some. This email and any updates will be posted here (on this page): www.formosatrail.com/FAQ
- Important info: https://formosatrail.com/race-pack/
- your BIB number or bus ticket can find here: www.formosatrail.com/participants/
- Participants have to sign up for an Insurance contract, it slightly slow down the process, please be patient.
- There is mandatory gear check for 104km participant on Friday during race pack pickup and installation of GPS/GSM tracking device on 104km runners vest (the vest you are running whole course of 104km). URL 104km tracking: https://en.follow.me.cz/tracking-en/FT2024/
- Race pack include cream colour of Fomosa Trail T-shirt, bamboo fibre bowl, plastic spork, UP Sport nutrition samples (official fueling of the event)
- There are many items in race pack, include complex runners BIB number:
- Main BIB with RFID chip – please wear it on front of body and cooperate with staff in check point
- STORAGE BAG VENUE tear-off: is bottom attachment for luggage storage.
- RUNNING VEST CHIP tear-off: is side attachment which include secondary RFID chip – participants tear it off and attach with zip tie to their running vest from back (10 and 18km participants may attach to running belt or keep both chips in front of body)
- 主要的RFID晶片號碼布 – 請放置於身體前面並配合補給站的工作人員。
- 會場寄物:於號碼布底部虛線請撕下來,用於寄放行李。
- 跑者背心晶片:於號碼布的側邊虛線請撕下來,包含第二個RFID晶片- 請參加者將其撕下並綁在使用的背袋上(如果10及18 公里的跑者僅穿跑步腰帶的話,請一樣固定在腰帶上)
There are many items in race pack, include complex runners BIB number:
- Main BIB with RFID chip – please wear it on front of body and cooperate with staff in check point
- STORAGE BAG VENUE tear-off: is bottom attachment for luggage storage.
- RUNNING VEST CHIP tear-off: is side attachment which include secondary RFID chip – participants tear it off and attach with zip tie to their running vest from back (10 and 18km participants may attach to running belt or keep both chips in front of body)
Race pack include cream colour of Fomosa Trail T-shirt, bamboo fibre bowl, plastic spork, FOOTLAND socks, UP Sports nutrition samples (official fueling of the event)

- Please see mandatory gear (www.formosatrail.com/rules/) and study course (www.formosatrail.com/course/).
- Recent typhoon brought extra work on cleaning course, but currently all is clean as much as possible
- We maintained the whole course and didn`t notice any hornet nest, but we cannot eliminate random wasp or hornet stings. Please runners with serious allergies to consider their safety.
- If there are runners with recently developed heart or similar health issues please do not join the run, it is not possible to provide help fast on trail running courses. Thank you
- Please take a shower if you would like to use the pool in the venue. Please pay attention to others and kids in the pool.
- it is very pleasant weather here in Puli, sunny and not so humid, but it may change, so be prepared
- Evening and nights are cold – consider add mid layer for long distance runners (waterproof jacket is mandatory for 40,75,104km)
SHUTTLE BUS from TAIPEI or morning from Puli️ 🚌
- more info in www.formosatrail.com/transportation/
- TICKETS are record on participants list (print screen and remember your BIB number): www.formosatrail.com/participants/
- LAST SEATS can reserve NOW in eshop:
https://beast.run/collections/ft2024 - all stations and important places for Formosa Trail can see in Google Map online: https://tinyurl.com/FTonlineMAP
For all information about transportation and parking visit website: https://formosatrail.com/transportation/
- parking lot space near road (preferable for 104,75,40km participants):
https://maps.app.goo.gl/uvLwXexZ5x3GbMQ36 - near church 慈孝堂 (preferable for 18,10km participants
https://maps.app.goo.gl/1etSH3Y1T2updqjY8 - along the road near the campsite, OPPOSITE SIDE of RIVERSIDE (only on right side). https://goo.gl/maps/Kx563qtzBQx3BW6z8
- On Saturday morning, there may not be enough parking space near YCC. You need to park near Liyu Lake and then walk to the YCC:
- Do NOT park car on side of road near river!!! DO NOT PARK illegally on ROAD!!!
FOOD on course, in VENUE and SUNDAY celebration
- NO CUPS, NO BOWL are provided in check points or venue
- cpB and cpC has various option of cooked food (vegetarian with option add meat)
- various food will be prepared in venue, with vegetarian option
- please bring your own bowl, one bamboo fibre bowl and plastic sport is in your race pack
- IMPORTANT – Keep wristbands given to you on course = entry for food and drinks in venue during day white wristband (10,18,40km) or black wristband for night and Sunday party (75,104km).
- RED tyvek WRISTBAND is given to participants during race pack pickup who order optional SUNDAY PARTY. Have it on your wrist during Sunday morning to access food and beverage. (extra orders: www.formosatrail.com/participants/)
- https://formosatrail.com/course/
- The course is very same as last year
- However recent typhoon and motorbikers let some damages on the terrain
- Please study course, cut times, maps, download GPX.
FRIDAY Formosa Trail EXPO and event venue
- Same as last year FT has venue in great space of YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地.
- Mini VEGAN market (3 vendor trucks with vegan food will be in venue during Friday afternoon)
- Race pack pickup 2pm to 9pm
- Thanks all Sponsors and partners (https://formosatrail.com/partners/)
Saturday entertainment 17:00 to 21:00 ♬🎸
- KTV – dare sing or dance?
- This year we freestyle the show, you, FT participants, volunteers are welcome join Saturday entertainment evening
- It will be possible buy beer or drinks in YCC campsite bar
Formosa Trail Merchandise
- purchase before 19th November in eshop (with Pickup in Store – Formosa Trail) and it will be attached to your race pack
- Only for participants of Formosa Trail 2024 (please use same email and name for shopping)
- Discount 12% on chosen apparel of Formosa Trail please use Voucher Code: FT2024participant12
- Formosa Trail shuttle bus and apparel: https://beast.run/collections/ft2024
- Limited edition of RED Formosa Trail T-shirt and hat is in bundle (12% discount can apply)
LIVE RESULTS 結果 (share to your followers):
- Every finisher will receive medal in finish
- surprise – finisher of FUT104 will receive special finisher gift – please visit Beast Runners BOOTH with your BIB number to get your FT 104km finisher gift
- 清冰 Photography will be presented in finish, it is possible purchase printed finisher photo, for who purchased will be also available online in results certificates
UP Sports
UP Sports is a professional sports supplement brand in Taiwan. Through sports nutrition science, we develop delicious, functional and lightweight supplements for long-distance trail running races!
🔸FAST Energy Gels – The 2:1 complex simple sugar formula can be absorbed super fast! It contains 30g carbs and only 45g weight.
🔸Caffeine Energy Bar – Natural carbohydrates and 75 mg of caffeine, refuel your energy and stay awake during the race.
🔸FOCHEWS Energy Gummies – Carbohydrates, GABA and taurine are added to supplement which can help maintain focus during the race.
For more sports functional supplements, please refer to the UP Sports brand official website:
#UPSports #FAST能量果膠 #咖啡因能量棒 #FOCHEWS能量軟糖
Fenix headlamps are the ideal choice for trail running enthusiasts, combining high performance, durability, and lightweight design. Equipped with powerful LED lighting, Fenix headlamps offer exceptional visibility on dark trails. Their waterproof and shock-resistant construction is perfect for various weather conditions and rugged terrains. Whether for early-morning mountain runs or nighttime trail challenges, Fenix headlamps provide runners with reliable illumination, ensuring safety and stability on every step.
This year, Fenix will join us at the Formosa Trail, bringing along their wide range of products. For runners needing a headlamp for the race, feel free to visit the Fenix booth during the event to make a purchase. Not only will you enjoy special event-only prices, but there will also be a series of exciting gifts to win!
For runners who want to prepare their headlamps ahead of the event, you can visit Beast Runners shop to purchase Fenix headlamps or check out Fenix products on PChome Momo, and their official Shopee store.
Be safe and have fun and great weekend in Puli,
See you,
Petr & Eva and 跑山獸 team

2026 Western States 100 qualifying race
Hello Petr and Eva,
I hope this finds you well!
We are pleased to inform you that the 2024 Formosa Trail 104km has been selected as a qualifying race for the 2026 Western States 100. Runners who complete the race within 28 hours will qualify to enter a lottery where the runners for Western States will be selected. You do not need to submit anything to us, we will obtain the results directly from your website.
The qualifying period for the 2026 Western States will be from November 4, 2024 through November 2, 2025. The lottery will be held on December 6, 2025, and the race itself will be run on June 27-28, 2026.
Congratulations, and from the entire Western States family, thanks for all the great work you are doing for our sport!
Kind regards,
John Medinger
Western States 100
Formosa Trail 2024 Registration
Formosa Trail 2024 Registration for Early birds open 16th April 2024
- Q1. Will be there shuttle bus from Puli center to race start?
- A1. YES. But we currently negotiate with some hotels in Puli center to provide free transportation to race start to their customers. For not customers will be possible book morning shuttle bus in Beast Runners eshop 3 months prior event. We will announce on website.
- A1. If capacity allows we recommend stay in Solas Hotel (race venue) or Lake Side hotel (race pack pickup, shuttle bus, 700m from start) during whole weekend include Sunday morning celebration!
- Q2. Will be there shuttle bus from TAICHUNG aiport.
A2. YES. Due changes on flight we need you fill up short
SURVEY – TAICHUNG AIRPORT about your flight to Taichung airport (RMQ). We will provide shuttle bus on Friday (time depends on demand) and back on Sunday (12:15 from Lake hotel back to RMQ). It will be possible book it in Beast Runners eshop 3 months prior event. We will announce on website.
- Q3. Can I pay fee by Credit card
- A3. Credit card payment is possible only for credit card or PayPal NOT issued in Taiwan Dollar. For payment in Taiwan please use online banking or ATM to bank account: E SUN (808) / 0554940014193 台灣跑山獸有限公司
- Q4. How is weather and temperatures?
- A4. Past 5 years was sunny day and cold nights. Temperatures during the day were pleasant (humidity too), however in open areas (behind cpB to C and D) may be negative effect of sun. In night temperatures may drop under 10°C. Water proof jacket is mandatory to carry on whole course. If you are slower runner you may prepare dry shirt and extra mid layer in drop bag of Check Point C (you will reach drop bag in cpC1 and again in cpC2).
- Q5. Is there parking space nearby venue?
- A5. For parking option please visit transportation section: https://formosatrail.com/transportation/
- Q6. Is there storage are for luggage, and shower in finish?
- A6. YES. You can brink your luggage to race venue and mark it by stripe from your BIB number and let in storage area. There are WC and showers in venue. Please do not store expensive or valuable items, organizer doesn`t take responsibility for you losts.
- Q7. Can I receive support in Check Point from my crew.
- A7. YES, but only in cpB and spD. Check points A and C are remotely located and need 4WD car to access them. Please do not let your crew or family drive there (if drive is not skilled may have accident and block only access to these check points). We recommend cpD as best point to support runner of FT 104km. Online results can find here (just some points has lack of data transfer): https://beast.run/pages/results
- Q8.Is it possible issue receipt?
- A8. YES, you will automatically receive Electronic receipt 電子發票 (會員載具 or 手機載具)
In Self service (link in your email) is possible choose personal or bussiness receipt.
All will be send in 35 days after event. You can update this info within one week after race. - 二聯式電子發票(個人)於完成活動結束後35天以E-mail通知電子發票證明聯。
每張訂單只提供一份發票。Personal consumer receipt will send by email 35 days after the end of the event. - 企業報銷用,請報名時務必點選三聯式發票(公司行號),並填入統一編號及公司抬頭。
每張訂單只提供一份發票。For Taiwan company only.
- A8. YES, you will automatically receive Electronic receipt 電子發票 (會員載具 or 手機載具)