- 每位完賽者將會得到一只完小禮物!
- Every finisher will receive finisher gift (not necessery medal).
FORMOSA TRAIL 2024 – finisher gifts will be announced during summer
FORMOSA TRAIL 2023 – Pendant Formosa/跑山獸
In race day will be awarded:
- first 5 top runners in male and female category for 75 and 104km
- first 5 top runners in male and female category for 18km and 40km
- 10km is hiking or running activity – no awards (but we still record finisher time)
Certificates: Within one week will be possible download results and electronic certificate.
Sunday Ceremony and Celebration
- don`t miss this!
- Sunday morning
- 8am start of celebration and BBQ
- ~8:30 welcome last finisher of FUT104
- 10:30am 75 and 104km Winners Ceremony
- FT participants entry for free (please keep FT wristband on wrist)
- for non participants and family members can buy food ticket during registration (include food and drink).