Preliminary Schedule Formosa Trail 2025
28/11/2025 Friday星期五
- EXPO – YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地
- 13:00 – 21:00
- Formosa Trail and aboriginal expo
- Formosa Trail 及原住民文化博覽會
- 9:30, 14:00, 17:00
- shuttle bus from Taipei to venue and center of Puli
- 從台北車站東三門至會場及埔里鎮中心的接駁車時程表
- 14:00 – 21:00
- race pack Pickup
- 參加者物資袋領取
- 17:30
- Official Opening of Formosa Trail
- Formosa Trail 正式開幕
- 18:00
- Elite runners introduction +VIP
- 介紹菁英跑者 +VIP
29/11/2025 Saturday 星期六
- VENUE – YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地
- 4:00 104km & 75km start
- 5:30 40km start
- 8:00 10 & 18km start (start together, please let fast runners go ahead)
- 12:00 18km men ceremony
- 12:30 18km women ceremony
- 15:00 40km men ceremony
- 15:30 40km women ceremony
- 14:00+ expect champion of FT 75km
- 18:00+ expect champion of FUT 104km
- 17:00 to 21:00
- entertainment evening (music performance. It will be possible buy draught beer or drinks in venue bar)
- 娛樂晚會(音樂表演。可以在會場酒吧購買生啤酒或飲料)
- 11:00 to 18:00 🍔
- Meal buffet for 10km,18km, 40km
- please keep wristband given on course = food entry
- accompany person can order food ticket for Saturday or Sunday or both days in registration system)
- 10,18及40公里自助餐
- 請保留活動中提供的手腕帶 = 餐卷
- 陪同者可以在報名系統中訂購週六或週日或兩天的餐卷
- Meal buffet for 10km,18km, 40km
- 18:00 – 6:00am 🍔
- night food for 75 and 104km only (wristband given on course = food ticket)
- 僅限75及104公里組數的夜間食物(活動中提供的手腕帶 = 餐券)
30/11/2025 Sunday 星期日
- PARTY – YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地
- 8:00 – 12:00
- Celebration (sharing, food, dance, ceremony,…)
- 8:00 welcome last runner of 104km
- 10:15 VIP 貴賓致詞
- 10:30 75km ceremony
- 11:00 104km ceremony
- 12:00 official end of Formosa Trail
- 慶祝活動(分享、美食、舞蹈、儀式……)
- Celebration (sharing, food, dance, ceremony,…)
- 13:00 Shuttle bus leaving to Taipei from YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地 (main road behind bridge)
- 9:00 to 12:00 🍔
- Sunday party and meal buffet (Sunday food is included in registration fee for 75 and 104km, please keep both wristbands from course = food entry.
- For 10,18,40km participants and visitor can add ticket for Sunday meal during registration)
- 週日聚會和自助餐(75 公里和 104 公里的報名費中包含週日食物,請保留兩個腕帶從課程 = 食物入口。
- 10、18、40公里參賽者和參觀者可在報名時添加週日餐票)
notice: for cut times and detail about course please visit Course section