FT/BR apparel in Beast Runners 跑山獸 eSHOP: www.beast.run

清冰 Photography FINISH on certificate

You may notice certain improving of finish gate of Formosa Trail. Did you like it? Petr`s ideas turn to reality even it cost lot of effort and DIY.
No metal frame, not inflatable monsters, not one-time used banners,…
Together with 清冰 Photography we have sweet surprise for participants who purchased physical photo. You can find your finisher photo on vertical and horizontal CERTIFICATE of Formosa Trail 2024 in your result: https://formosatrail.com/results/

FT2024 venue moments by Morgan

Formosa Trail photos 2018

Finishing Line by 清冰幸福小舖

It will be still possible buy hard copy of your finisher photo, please contact 清冰幸福小舖


Formosa Trail photos 2016

by 歐欽濱

by 陳水蛙

by 李小莎

by 林明德

by Tomasz Hasinski from Runivore

