Payment and Refunds
- ATM in Taiwan (only in Taiwan) to account 玉山銀行 808 / 0554940014193
- In group registration first person is responsible for payment and upload proof
- Overseas runners use credit card via PayPal
- Upload Proof of Payment: via link you receive in email after registration
- Upload Proof of Payment (old way):
- ATM in Taiwan (only in Taiwan) to account 玉山銀行 808 / 0554940014193
- REFUND – cancelation of the event
- general refund rule in case of cancelation event = organizers will provide race pack (T-shirt, socks, headband, bag) in cost of 1500NTD (not include shipping, + shipping 100NTD), rest of amount will refund to designated bank account
- Full event rules:
Course and difficulty
The course is designed that runner has to be almost independent, so call semi-autonomy. The time spent (regardless of the distance between them) between check points can be very long. Only in CP can gain liquid and energy for next stage, there are not any sources in mountains. There is possible use drop bag in cpC1 and C2.
Participants has to follow strictly mandatory equipment and certain rules otherwise may be disqualified. Before and during the event will be random check of your gear, if you will miss any mandatory equipment you may not continue without it. You can let any garbage in CP, but don’t pollute on course.
賽事設計是半自助,主要目的是讓跑者能獨立自主。到達每個休息站的時間可能會很長(與之間的距離無關)。山上沒有很多資源,只有在休息站能獲得飲料和食物補給,必須攜帶著跑完全程。There is possible use drop bag in cpC1 and C2.
Security is everybody’s affair. Here are some recommendations to make your race a success and enjoyable. We wish everybody can be finisher. Your safety depends upon the quality of the materials which you have in your pack.
Following list is mandatory or recommender equipment, but we also have very simple and helpful rule for distances starting in dark: WEAR HEADLAMP LIGHT ON FROM START TO FIRST CHECK POINT (or even more, it is very easy to see our reflective marking, who will be seen without headlamp will be stooped before entry of trail and potentially DSQ)
以下為強制裝備及建議裝備, 對於在夜裡起跑的組別, 我們有簡單且有益的規定: 從起點到第一個CP點頭燈要戴著(甚至更長距離, 這樣才容易看到會反光的賽道步條, 未戴頭燈的跑者在進入賽道前會被擋下並被判為DSQ)
There are no traffic controls on the event route!
Take your local 健保卡 Health Insurance card or your traveling insurance and passport (overseas). This will skip process of paying cash in hospital. Each runner has personal insurance from us, this may cover most of injuries (external causes). We still recommend for overseas have own insurance. Any insurance will not be valid if any health problem as Heart operation or heart diseases or similar.
Mandatory Equipment 強制性裝備
- Runner must start and finish the race with the gear listed below ✓.
- Random checks will occur during the race, include finish line.
- ✓ Any of items missing = DSQ
- Please see prohibited items and behavior (✖) below (as
exchange BIB,littering,… )- ✖ Prohibited items and behavior = DSQ
- ⬤ very recommended items
- Download FT mandatory gear check list in .pdf here
Mandatory Gear | 104km | 75km | 40km | 18km | 10km | |
☐ | Hydration pack with min. capacity reservoir/bottles of 2L for 104, 75 and 40km, 0.5L for 18km and 10km | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
☐ | Mobile Phone fully charged and ON (recommended power bank for 75 &104km) please give us your phone number on entry disclaimer save two numbers: venue (Eva): 0920-018345 course (Petr): 0905-120787 | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ● | ● |
☐ | Primary Headlamp powerful, has to be ON at least till 6am (or to cpA) and already before sunset to navigate on reflective ribbons (spare batteries for headlamp are mandatory for 75 & 104km) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
☐ | Second Headlamp (backup, but still efficient light, no hand torch) | ✔ | ✔ | ● | ||
☐ | Gloves | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● |
☐ | BIB and chip | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ |
☐ | Whistle | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ● | ● |
☐ | Light Jacket | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● |
☐ | Waterproof jacket | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ● | ● |
☐ | Emergency Blanket or bivy | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
☐ | First-aid kit elastic bandage for a strapping, min. 100cm x 5cm adhesive tape 3pcs povidone-iodine swabs 3pcs medical patch antihistamine (very recommended) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ● | |
☐ | Health Insurance Card | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ● | ● |
☐ |
Course Map (in back side of BIB for 104,75 and 40km, please understand the course, there will not be marshals) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ● | ● |
☐ |
GPS device with course (gpx download: | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ● | ● |
☐ | Energy Reserve (min. 600 kCal , eg. 3x energy bars) | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ● | ● |
☐ | Cash min. 500 NTD | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | ||
☐ | Dish for hot soup and drink (no cups in CP) | ● | ● | ● | ● | ● |
Prohibited items and behavior for all categories (DSQ)
- run with others BIB or give BIB to someone else is absolutely not tolerated
- free hands are necessary, wear gloves very recommended (no bottles or phone in hands)
- use poles in first 5km is prohibited
- use poles in climb with respect to others
- not wear shoes is prohibited
- take photos in narrow areas is prohibited
- block faster runners!
- if you want pass front runners please inform him/her first
- wear hat or visor is not recommended (due to limited vision for branches, wear BUFF is very recommended – in race pack)
Explanation of items
Hydration pack
- with capacity reservoir/bottles of 2L (recomended 2.5L) for 104, 75 and 40km (0.5L for 10 and 18km)
- no cups and cutlery in check points, use your flask or cup
- warm soup and food in most of check points on ultra distances (B,C)
- TIP: if forget cup or bowl you made on from Tetra Pak of beverages
First-aid kit
- 1x bandage for bandage or a strapping, min. 100cm x 5cm
- 1x adhesive tape
- 3pcs povidone-iodine swabs
- 3pcs medical patch
- antihistamine (very recommended, compulsory for participants with any allergy)

GPS device
- phone with app or smart watch with course (GPX download:
- if need you have to be able navigate your self and provide your location by coordinates (eg. 23.9696, 121.0533)
- Please know how to use your device!
Mobile Phone
- fully charged and ON, overseas please give us your local phone number on entry disclaimer
- save two numbers:
- venue (Eva): 0920-018345
- course (Petr): 0905-120787
- (in case of emergency and lack of signal send SMS to our phones, include coordinates and brief description of issue)
- please do not contact us via FB or email in case of emergency, try call first
- IMPORTANT – TAIWAN no more support 2G network (please be sure your “brick” phone does support 3G)

Download FT mandatory gear check list in .pdf here
- 號碼布包含RFID晶片- 在補給站及終點站時必須把晶片號碼布置於身體前面, 晶片號碼布需讓工作人員掃描,掃描時請耐心並協助工作人員。
- BIB number include RFID chip – it is mandatory wear BIB number in front of body in check points and finish line. Your BIB number include RFID chip which need scan by staff in each station (!!!), please be patient and assist show them your BIB.
- Bottom Luggage stripe for mark your bag for storage area
- Side attachement is secondary RFID chip tag which you have to attach to your running vest with zip tie in upper part of vest (has to be outside of bag)

- Participants list (find your BIB and details and can present as BUS ticket or in race pack collection):
- Results
Course marking 賽道標示
All courses are marked with ORANGE/REFLECTIVE Beast Runners ribbons. Runner has to pay attention for marking and be present on course, in case feel lost return back in same way to last ribbon and figure out.
Change of direction or turns will be marked at least with two closer ribbons and within 50 meters will be situated confirmation ribbon. In trail without turns will be ribbons at least every 200 m. Signs of direction will be used rarely; there will not be marshals on course.
Short cuts are not permitted. Every runner must stay on the way-marked paths. Any runner who voluntarily leaves the way-marked path is no longer under the responsibility of the organization.
所有的賽程會由橘色反光條標示Beast Runners,選手必須注意標示及出席賽事,如果發現迷路了,請沿著原路回到上一標示點再確認路線。方向改變或是轉彎處至少會有兩條較靠近的布條,範圍在50公尺內的有確認布條。山徑裡如果沒有轉彎的地方,至少每200公尺會一個標示。不會使用太多的方向指標,賽道中也不會有工作人員。

GPS device
We strongly recommend use GPS device. It is not usually mistake of organizers you get lost – marking can be removed or lost pay attention.
- GPS watch – upload course is very simple process for most of devices (Garmin, Coros, Suunto)
- SmartPhone APP (if you do not have GPS watch)
- iPhone app –
- Android – Locus Map Classic
- go to section of Course for .gpx files and maps:

Cut Times 關門時限 ⏱
The maximum time for the event, for the totality of the course is:
- 104km: 28hours
- 75km: 20 hours
- 40km: 13 hours
- 18km: 6 hours
- 10km: 4 hours
Cut times in each CP will be specified to enable participants to reach the finish after maximum time. In the case of poor meteorological conditions and/or for reasons of safety, the organization reserves the right to modify the course and the time barriers.
This event will be held during raining. Should there be any typhoons (land warning) nor any natural disaster; in order for participants’ safeties, organizers have the right to cancel, delay, or change the event schedule (routes). For updates, please refer to organizer’s announcement.
- 104公里: 28小時
- 75公里: 20小時
- 40公里: 13小時
- 18公里: 6小時
- 10公里: 4小時
賽事於雨天正常舉行, 若因颱風或其他自然災難, 為了參與者的安全, 大會有權取消, 延後或延期賽事排程。
相關資訊, 請注意大會公告。
Medical assistance 救援和醫療援助 ✚
- It is forbidden to DNF between check points. If you decide to leave the race, you can do it only at an organized official check point.
- Your safety depends upon the quality of the materials which you have in your pack.
- First aid posts are positioned at Check Points.
- Attention! It is obligatory that you do not leave a person who is in difficulty alone.
- If you or another competitor is immobilized:
- Call the race organizers number
- 0920018345 Eva
- 0905120787 Petr
- Call the race organizers number
- 除了傷病的特殊情況,參賽選手不能在檢查站之外的地方退出比賽。參賽選手必須通知檢查站的負責人,由工作人員記錄號碼布號碼並 取回電子計時芯片作為退出手續。
- 參賽選手的安全將取決於跟身的指定裝備之品質。
- 急救站設於賽道不同位置,可參看大會地圖。 比賽期間將有醫療隊伍值班。
- 注意!發揮互助精神,若遇上其他參賽者受傷或不適,應加以援手並通知急救站的工作人員。
- 如果在比賽過程中出現不宜作賽或嚴重受傷的情況,請及時尋求協助:
- 致電主辦單位
- 0920018345 Eva
- 0905120787 Petr
- 提供您的位置及參考點
- 簡單敘述遇到的情形
- 致電主辦單位
- If you are in difficulty and telephone network is unavailable:
- Wait for another runner and try to find an area where network is available together
- Wait for a third runner and ask to alert the closest member of the organization
- Stay with the second runner until the rescue team arrives
- Remember: Assisting an injured runner in difficulty is an absolute must.
- 假如您遇到任何困難,並且手機沒有訊號:
- 請在原地等待其他選手,並且一起找到有手機訊號的地方
- 等其他選手並請他尋
- 在無法聯絡主辦單位的情況下,可以直接撥打救援電話(特別身處不在移動網絡覆蓋範圍內,請使用« 緊急呼救»。
- 謹記: 給予受傷的參賽選手協助事絕對必要的
- Expenses incurred, resulting from emergency assistance or evacuation, are payable by the person rescued who is also responsible for all costs relating to their return from the area to where they were rescued.
- If for any reason it is impossible to make contact with the course organizer, you can call directly the rescue services (especially if you find yourselves in a zone « emergency call only » as several sections do not have mobile network coverage).
- “因急救援助或後送造成的費用及相關由被救援地返回的交通費用應由被救助者支付,
- 在無法聯絡主辦單位的情況下,可以直接撥打救援電話(特別身處不在移動網絡覆蓋範圍內,請使用« 緊急呼救»。”
Drop Bags 寄物
It is semi-autonomy event and drop bag are only at start/finish. Please mark you bag and drop it in certain place with assistance in race start. Organizer will not be responsible for individual valuable goods. Organizer will not be responsible for loses of individual valuable goods/items.
Drop Bag in Check Point C1=C2
- Participants can leave one small drop bag for check point C (approximately 45km (C1) and 72km (C2) of 104km course)
- One white yuta bag with written BIB number on it will be provided to you during race pack collection period.
- The cp-C drop bags must be dropped at starting point of the race in appropriate area (drop bag 寄物) before start of race. (near finish gate)
- All bags will be available in cp-C after 10am and transfer back to venue after 11:30pm.
- You have to collect drop bags before 10am on Sunday. Any bags not collected before this time may be disposed or reused. If you are not able pickup race pack during the Saturday night or Sunday morning please do not include valuables, the drop bag will be recycled.
- Please note that the race organizers are not responsible for any loss or damage to any equipment in the drop bags, please do not leave valuable items in the bags.
- Please note there is certain mandatory equipment for whole course (as head lamp, jacket, whistle, phone with Taiwan operator, space blanket,…)
- What to include in drop bag?
- Following section include 1500m vertical ascent
- You are heading to night and it may be cold!
- Extra food
- Spare Socks or shoes
- Extra cloth
- Extra batteries or spare light (good headlamp with extra batteries and spare headlamp are mandatory on whole way )
- We do not recommend put poles to drop bag (it may accidentally band)
- We do not recommend put cooked food to drop bag (eg. rice, noodles,)it may get spoiled during the day before you arrrive
- Anti-chafing cream, tape,…
cp C 寄物點
- 參賽選手可以在CP C1=C2放至一轉換袋
- 賽事物資有包含一透明塑膠袋及有參賽標號的卡片, 請確認是否有此卡片
- 賽事開始前, CP C的轉換袋必須交給設在起點的放置區
- CP C 10:30點後可以開始取用轉換袋, 下午五點後送回會場
- 參賽選手必須於周日十點前取回轉換袋, 此時間未取回將丟棄或回收
- 請注意, 主辦單位不負責轉換袋內物品的遺失或損壞, 請勿將貴重物品至於轉換袋內
- 主辦單位有規定強制攜帶的裝備(如: 頭燈, 外套, 哨子 手機(台灣門號), 救難毯…)
- 轉換袋可以放甚麼呢?
- 以下包含1500的垂直爬升
- 額外的食物
- 備用襪子或鞋子
- 額外的衣物
- 額外的電池或備用手電筒( 頭燈是強制裝備, 兩組頭燈制裝備)
- 我們不建議將登山杖放在轉換袋內(有可能備折彎)
- 我們不建議將熱食放入轉換袋裡(例如:飯糰,麵類),可能會在您到達轉換時變質。
- 凡士林, 大力膠帶…”
Check Points 檢查點
- When you get to the CP it is your responsible for been seen by volunteers who will record your Bib number. Runners have to follow orders of marshals in Check Points. And follow strictly cut time in CP.
- All runners have to fill up hydration system to full in every CP and be sure with energy reserve.
- Do not stop on the course, if you need rest please stop in Check Points.
- Outside assistance from supporters is only permitted at the checkpoints (only in cp-B, another CP are very hard to access).
- You may arrange support in original spD (加德宮), only there is permited support runners.
- To avoid the wastage of disposable plastic cups during the race, every runner has to equip himself with cup, bottle or bladder.
- 每個參賽選手都必須掛上號碼布。號碼布須置於衣服正面並清晰可見(請勿將號碼布掛在側面或折疊,否則計時系統將無法識別記錄)。沒有全程掛上號碼布的參賽選手將被處罰。
- 選手必須遵守休息站工作人員的指示,並且遵守嚴格的關門時間。所有選手所攜帶的水袋必須在每個休息站裝滿水,並且必須確定有足夠的能量補給。
- 請不要在賽程中突然停止,如果需要休息的話,請在休息站處休息。
- 支援人員只限於各個檢查站提供支援。檢查站以外不允許支援(如發現參賽選手於檢查站以外領取食物或飲料,將對參與者予以懲罰)。 (只能在 cp-B 其他 CP點非常難以到達)。
- You may arrange support in original spD (加德宮), only there is permited support runners.
- 在比賽過程中,為了避免浪費一次性使用的塑膠杯,所有參賽選手都需配備水杯,水壺或者水袋。
Chip and Timing System 晶片
- We use our own chip system. We are sorry for possible slow process of scanning in check points or finish line.
- Please wear BIB on front of body OR show in each control point. We do also manual backup on paper sheet!
- Do not bend BIB number it has RFID chip on back side
- Please slow down and show your BIB number to timing staff in check points and finish line.
- Side attachement is secondary RFID chip tag which you have to attach to your running vest with zip tie in upper part of vest (has to be outside of bag)
- All results of our past events can find here:
- 主辦單位使用自有晶片,在CP點會以智慧型手機掃瞄, 在終點或CP點掃晶片時可能會較慢, 我們為此致歉.
- 請將號碼布置於身體前方或於每個CP點主動示出號碼布, 主辦單位會同時以紙本作紀錄,
- Do not bend BIB number it has RFID chip on back side
- Please slow down and show your BIB number to timing staff in check points and finish line.
- Side attachement is secondary RFID chip tag which you have to attach to your running vest with zip tie in upper part of vest (has to be outside of bag)
- 您可以於以下網址找到賽事結果:
Eco responsibility 環保責任
The activity, trail-running, takes place in open country, in contact to the flora and fauna. Please safe environment, don’t damage parts of nature as rocks, trees., etc. It is strictly prohibited to leave litter in the nature. Any runner seen throwing his rubbish on the course will be automatically disqualified. Please let rubbish in Check Points.
Event cancellation 活動取消
The organizers reserve the right to cancel or cut short the event for the following reasons: adverse weather conditions, landslides, rockfalls or hill fires along the course, protests or blockage along the course, force majeure i.e. due to occurrence of incidents that are beyond the control of the organizer and which renders it impossible, unsafe or impractical to hold the event. A force majeure event shall include, but is not limited to, act of God, war, hostilities, acts or threats of terrorism. In such event no refund of the registration fee will be provided.
主辦單位有權決定是否取消或縮短路線,如遇下列狀況: 極端天氣狀況,坍方,土石流,落石,若逢颱風或嚴重的豪雨,集會遊行,抗議或堵塞沿著路線等人力不可抗力之天災及人為因素等。