Shuttle buses provide by organizers
- FORGOT ORDER SHUTTLE BUS? You can add it via eShop item (last seats left):
忘記訂購接駁車?您可以透過 eShop 商品添加它(最後剩下的座位):
- If you need shuttle bus from Taipei or morning bus to race start from Puli center please order in during registration. Seats are limited and we suggest order it soon.
- TRANSPORTATION TICKET: If you have shuttle bus please present present record from participants list (search by your name to get BIB number and your ticket) to staff in front of bus:
- 如果您需要從台北出發的接駁車,或早班接駁車從埔里鎮中心到活動會場,請在報名時訂購。座位有限,我們建議您可以盡快訂購。
- 接駁車票:如果您有搭乘接駁車,請在上車前向工作人員出示活動官網上的參加名單(BIB 號碼和姓名):
all stations and important places for Formosa Trail can see in Google Map:

🚐 BUS from Taipei main station East Exit 3 to VENUE and Puli
- Taipei main station East Exit 3 to Puli in both directions
- 9:30am Friday from Taipei main station East Exit 3
- 10:30am Friday from Taipei main station East Exit 3 (added later in 2024)
- 2pm Friday from Taipei main station East Exit 3
- 5pm Friday from Taipei main station East Exit 3
7pm Friday from Taipei main station East Exit 3(not demand in past years)
- bus will go to venue (YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地), if you need continue to Puli center please change to another bus in front of YCC camp (bus will wait c. 45minutes to let participants pickup race pack, except bus at 09:30am which will arrive too soon for race pack pickup)
- back to Taipei on Sunday from venue at 1pm (right after celebration, bus will wait on main road before bridge to camp)
- Seats are limited, please do not hesitate order it during registration
- You can order seat (and event meals) for your accompany
- duration of travel should be c. 3hours (if more traffic can be over 4 hours)
- here is Taipei Main Station exit East 3:
- Here is YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地 (VENUE):
- online booking: in registration
🚐 台北車站東3門到埔里活動會場的交通工具
- 台北車站東3門來回埔里活動會場
- 週五早上 9點30分台北車站東3門
- 週五下午2點整台北車站東3門
- 週五下午 5 點整台北車站東3門
- 週五早上9點30分,下午2及5點整從台北車站東三門發出
- 接駁車將前往活動會場(緣溪行森林營地),如需繼續前往埔里鎮中心,請在大橋前大馬路前等待換接駁車(接駁車將會等待大約45分鐘讓參加者領取活動物資)
- 週日下午1點整從活動會場返回台北東三門(慶祝活動結束後,接駁車將在橋前的主要道路上等候)
- 座位有限,報名時請不要猶豫訂購
- 您可以為您的同伴訂購座位(和活動餐)
- 旅行時間應為 c 3小時(如果人流量多可以4小時以上)
- 這裡是台北車站東 3 號出口:
- 這裡是YCC森林營地緣溪行森林營地(活動會場):
- 在線預訂:in registration
- 每週五早上9:30點,下午2點或5點或從台北汽車站東三門發出
Taipei Main Station Exit East 3, 台北車站東3門 on map:

🚐😴 BUS from PULI center to RACE START on SATURDAY morning
- PULI center to RACE START on SATURDAY (morning transportation, +100NTD/person)
- we recommend order this bus during registration if you know you will stay in Puli center
- 3:00am (optimal for 75 and 104km)
- 4:30am (optimal for 40km)
- 6:45am (optimal for 10 and 18km start)
- Bus or van will departure from Puli bus station and stop also in Geographic Center of Taiwan
- bus on map:
- BOOK YOUR SEAT during registration (if you need add bus please contact us via email)
- You can order seat for your accompany
- Seats are limited, please do not hesitate order it during registration
- Puli is relatively small, there will not be enough taxi at the morning
- back to Puli to your hotel can use taxi, camp reception can help you call taxi. Taxi usually cost 200NTD in Puli township. Taxi cannot drive in to camp during Saturday but will wait before bridge. (taxi contact is below)
- If there is private transit it may cost 100NTD/person and pay to driver.
- Organizers do not manage transportation back to Puli or for Sunday morning party.
🚐😴 週六早上由柏里中心搭巴士前往比賽開始
- 埔里鎮中心至星期六開賽(早上交通,+100NTD/人)
- 如果您知道您將住在巴黎市中心,我們建議您在註冊時預訂購買這家酒店
- 凌晨 3:00(適合 75 公里和 104 公里)
- 凌晨 4:30(適合 40 公里)
- 早上6點45分(最適合10公里和18公里的起點)
- 巴士或麵包車將從柏里巴士站發出,也停在台灣地理中心
- 地圖上的巴士:
- 在註冊系統中預訂您的位置
- 您可以作為您的合作夥伴預訂座
- 座位有限,報名時請不要猶如訂購
- 布里比比小,早上的士會不夠
- 返佰裡返酒店可以搭計程車,營業地前台可以幫你叫計程車。埔里鎮的士一般200新台幣。出租車不能在星期六開進營業地,但會在橋前等候。 (出租汽車聯繫方式如下
- 如果有私人交通工具,可能會花費100NTD/人,並支持付給公司機。
- 主辦方不負責安排回柏里或參加每週日早會的交通。
notice 備註 :
- You can order seat for your accompany
- Ticket information will be on your BIB, please present before entry to bus. If you do not have BIB yet, there will be list with your name and BIB number (you will find BIB number here).
- Seats are limited, please do not hesitate order it during registration
- If you need another transportation or any assistance please contact us
- 號碼布上會顯示您是否訂購的接駁車,
- 號碼布上會顯示您是否訂購的接駁車,
- 搭乘接駁車之前請顯示號碼布給工作人員查看,如果您尚未有號碼布,工作人員手上也會有搭乘名單(您可以在名單裡找到您的號碼) 。
- 座位是有限的,在報名期間,請不要遲疑訂購,
- 如果您需要其他的運輸方式或需要其他協助,請與我們聯繫
🅿️ Parking Space 停車

- Primary parking space near road (3 minutes walk to YCC):
主要停車場(步行 3 分鐘即可到達 YCC) - along the road near the campsite, OPPOSITE SIDE of RIVERSIDE (only on right side).
預防道路壅塞,阻礙其他交通,車子請僅停靠在河濱對面側。 - do NOT park car on side of road near river!!!
- Primary parking space near road (3 minutes walk to YCC):
- parking lot space near road (preferable for 104,75,40km participants):
停車場(104、75、40公里參加者優先): - near church 慈孝堂 (preferable for 18,10km participants):
靠在慈孝堂旁邊的停車場附近(適合 18,10 公里參加者)
- parking lot space near road (preferable for 104,75,40km participants):
- 週六早上,沿著YCC緣溪行森林營地停車的空間可能不夠,您需要在停在鯉魚潭附近,然後步行前往YCC:
- On Saturday morning, there may not be enough parking space near YCC. You need to park near Liyu Lake and then walk to the YCC:
- parking near Liyutan 鯉魚潭 walk 1.4km (not guaranteed, primary for hotel guests of Lake hotels)
- Smaller parking space near William Sia Memorial Campsite 謝緯紀念營地 (see view) and walk 1.7km
- Owner may charge Parking space 100NTD/car. Spaces are limited.
- 一台車停車費台幣100元,需自行開車的選手,如需要停車位。
- DO NOT PARK illegally on ROAD!!! Your car will be removed by authorities! Follow traffic rules. 請不要把車停在馬路上!!您的愛車將會被拖吊!
🚌 🚆 Public Transportation 公共交通公車
- there is bus Taipei – Puli – (Sun Moon Lake) almost every hour (but take bus provided by organizers has more advantages)
- bus from Taichung HSR to Puli
- Race venue is 4km on east from Puli bus station (there is not city bus), you have to take taxi (around 200NTD)
- please note there will not be enough taxi at the morning before race start, preferable use shuttle bus
- 台北-埔里-(日月潭)幾乎每小時一班(但乘坐主辦方提供的公車更有優勢)
- 台中高鐵到埔里巴士票
- 比賽場地位於埔里汽車站東4km處(沒有市內公交),需要打車(約200新台幣)
- 請注意,比賽開始前的早上出租車數量不足,最好使用穿梭巴士
- way 1: go to Taipei and use our shuttle bus
- way 2: take bus 705 from airport to Taoyuan HSR – take HSR (high speed railway) to Taichung HSR – from Taichung HSR take bus 1832 to PULI – take taxi from Puli bus to venue
- way 1: it is 80km to Lake Side Hotel, by taxi should be around 2000NTD (25NTD/km)
- way 2: take take bus from airport to Taichung HSR (you don`t need go to center of Taichung) and from HSR take bus 6670 to Puli center – taxi 5km to venue or to your hotel
several links for transportation schedule:
- for buses Taoyaun aiport to HSR bus 705 桃園機場<-> 捷運高鐵桃園站(UBUS 統聯客運):
- bus 6670 Taichung/or Taichung HSR to Puli 台中/或台中烏日高鐵 <-> 埔里(NANTOU BUS南投客運)
- HSR website HSR 台灣高鐵官網:
- Taipei to Puli buses 台北 <-> 埔里 (KUO-KUANG MOTOR TRANSPORT國光客運)
🚕 Taxi 計程車
- the fare for taxi is 25NTD/km
- Puli center to venue around 200NTD
- we recommend order taxi in your hotel reception
- please notice there will not be enough taxi at the morning before race start – preferable use shuttle bus
- please safe address of your hotel in chinese!
- 計程車票價為25NTD/km
- 埔里中心到會場約200NTD
- 我們建議您在酒店前台叫出租車
- 請注意,比賽開始前一天早上出租車數量不足——最好使用穿梭巴士
- 請用中文安全地提供您酒店的地址!
- Give taxi driver this information 請提供司機會場地住址:
- YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地
- address: 545南投縣埔里鎮乾溪景觀橋545號
🚕 Local taxi 24h
- local private taxi, 24 hours
- convinient for returning back from venue Saturday afternoon and night
- TEL: 0968-038963 (埔里洪花計程車 – 其啟富 先生)
🚕 Taxi Puli company
- 埔里計程車公司: 南投縣埔里計程車四輪同心會住址
- address: 南投縣埔里鎮中正路336號 (close to bus main station)
- TEL: 049-2988414
- The DROP OFF and PICK UP for TAXI or BUS is before bridge to YCC campsite
- It is not allowed drive any vehicle over bridge during the event, please respect that!
✈️ Overseas Participants 海外參賽選手
- we recommend visit rules and mandatory equipment page and see requirement and difficulties of this race.
- Even it is one of easier and beautiful race of Beast Runners, still there are certain difficulties which is good to know.
- Race Pack Pickup for overseas visit Race Pack page
- Do you need help with transportation from Airport? Are you bigger group? Are you scared and lost in city (but no in forest)? Contact us!
- 是否有需要協助安排從機場到台北市區的交通工具? 您是較大的團體嗎? 害怕在都市迷路嗎(但不是森林裡)? 歡迎與我們聯繫,我們都可以協助您!
- Take our shuttle bus from Taipei
- You can also order transportation from Taoyuan and Taichung airport (see more in transportation section)
- You have to reserve accommodation by yourself, but we will be happy to help you with booking. Don’t hesitate to contact us with any question:
- 您必須先預約飯店,如需要我們協助訂房,或有任何問題,請與我們聯繫:
- Small hostels around (can use or similar)
- In center of Puli
- In case of limited capacity of YCC campe or Lake Hotels
- there will be option book morning shuttle bus from Puli to race start
- If you live in another place we recommend order taxi in hotel reception

✈️ 🚐 Taoyun airport Terminal 1 (B1 – BASE floor – bus station)
NOT ARRANGED, please contact us first if you consider this option. However it is very convinient take MRT to Taipei center and continue with Taipei bus (info above). If you are bigger group and need help arrange transportation please contact us via
- Taoyun airport Terminal 1 (B1 – BASE floor – bus station)
- now is very convenient take MRT (metro) from Taoyuan airport to Taipei main station and continue with shuttle bus to Puli (book Taipei to Puli bus during registration)
- (overseas please contact us if you need this option via email
- bus go to venue and Puli center on Friday
- back on Sunday from venue at 12:30pm (after celebration, this bus will not continue to Taipei, if you already have this bus and need go Taipei please contact us)
- You will need fill name and ID for passanger in online registration
- Duration of travel should be c. 2.5 hours (if more traffic can be over 3.5 hours)
- here is Taoyuan airport T1:
- Here is YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地 (VENUE):
- It is relatively convinient take new metro to Taipei center and from there by Taipei shuttle bus.
- If you are bigger group and need help arrange transportation from aiport please cotnact us –
- Contact us if you plan come to Taiwain over Taoyun aiport –
Taoyuan airport Terminal 1 on map:
✈️ 🚐 Taichung airport
NOT ARRANGED, please contact us first if you consider this option (in past Hong Kong runners coming by HK express, but since it may change). Taxi will cost around 2000-2500NTD and it is reasonable cost for group of 3-4 person. However if you are bigger group we can help you arrange transit or small shuttle bus, please contact us via email
- HK Express Friday ~10:50am HKG (Hong Kong) to 12:25 RMQ (Taichung) or 07:50am
- HK Express Sunday ~13:20 RMQ to 15:05 HKG or evening 20:35
- Please contact us via email if you interest about following transportation from and back to Taichung airport, if enough passangers we will arrange transportation or at least connect groups together
- Friday shuttle bus from Taichung airport (RMQ) to venue at 12:30 (or waiting for flight UO172 if delyayed)
- Sunday transportation from venue at 11:00 to Taichung airport to get on airport for flight UO173 departure 13:30
- Sunday transportation from venue at 13:15 to Taichung airport to get on airport for flight departure 20:35 to HK
- website of HK express:
- Taichung airport
- (overseas please contact us if you need this option via email
- bus go to venue and Puli center on Friday afternoon
- back on Sunday from venue at 11:00am (this bus will not continue to Taipei, if you already have this bus and need go Taipei please contact us)
- You will need fill name and ID for passanger in online registration
- here is Taichung airport:
- Here is YCC Forest Campsite 緣溪行森林營地 (VENUE):
- Taxi from Taichung aiport cost around 2000-2500NTD or can use public transportation to HSR Taichung, from there to Puli bus station.
- By car takes no more than hour get to Puli township.
- If you are bigger group and need help arrange transportation from aiport please cotnact us –
Taichung airport on map
OTHER destinations
- OTHER destinations?
- please contact us via email as soon as possible if you need help with transportation from or to another destination or in different time
- there is chance somebody else willing share this way